Are JW women becoming a bit more bold, seems to me there is a lot of 'headship' teaching ongoing

by insearchoftruth 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Witless men are terrified of a strong independent single woman, so they pry into your personal life where they have no right to and ought not.

    I think they're just trying to dig up some dirt to make you inferior, or knock you down a notch.

    Maybe the whole headship thing was though of by a group of men scared shightless that if they didn't control the ladies, and soon, we'd take over the world. BWHAHAHA

  • panhandlegirl

    An elder's wife once said to me that because my husand was not active in the orgainzation, the elders could tell me what to do. I didn't belive her( I was a mere 19, should have been rebellious, but I wasn't). I did not dispute her allegation.

    Years later my husband asked me (in a sarcasic tone)"When did you get so independent and smart?"I answered "When I left the organization, went to work, and got my University degree!". Now I say "I am the boss of me!" I feel just like that

    song."You can't even run your own life, I'll be dammed if you'll run mine!"

    DLL, you are so right! They are terrified of any independent woman. And we can be such an asset to them! What are they thinking?

    Witless men are terrified of a strong independent single woman, so they pry into your personal life where they have no right to and ought not.

  • ziddina

    As Rutherford would have said, Those damned uppitty wimmin!!!

  • clearpoison
  • Scully

    They've always had regular reviews of The Headship Principle™. The talks were usually delivered by the Elder™ or Ministerial Servant™ whose knuckles dragged closest to the floor.

    It was one thing that I absolutely despised about the JW belief system. I watched how it gradually paralyzed my mother's ambitions. Of course, they tried to sugar-coat things, and make it appear that this was how relationships were meant to be. But then why did they insist on me performing to the best of my ability in school, when the best I could hope for was to be a wife and mother? Why did they want me to have a skill set so that I could support myself? What was the point of getting a decent education if I was going to be compelled to stifle it to raise children?

    I am so glad to be out of that foolishness. When I see the JW women I used to know still stuck in the same ruts they were in almost 20 years ago, I shudder that had I not left the JWs, I would still be just like them.

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