has anyone tried to "study" and get baptized again in a far away congregation?

by Sofi 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • BluesBrother

    I knew someone who got caught out doing this.

    He had been d.f'd for misconduct, not disputing the beliefs. He moved to a new location , took lodgings and coincidence - they were J W's! he kept his situation quiet but got drawn to it all and was coming along as an interested person. I do not think that he got as far as baptism before he was rumbled.

    Eventually he was reinstated.

    I am sure that it must have been done before somewhere, but I cannot think of a good reason, only ulterior motives

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    well I don't remember giving them ss#'s or an ID, so I guess I could be baptized in any name I choose. I choose Michael Hunt, but I preferred to be called Mike

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Why would you want to go back?

    In spite of the question, I do understand why someone might do such a thing, especially if they wanted, or needed, to get back in and didn't fancy all the ass-kissing it would take to get reinstated.

    You could have a fresh start without the DF/DA stigma and it would be easier; I've seen "new" ones come in and get baptized in as little as 4-6 months, but reinstatement can take a minimum of 6 months and sometimes years.

    If you had to go back, which route would you choose?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    not true on getting reinstated. It depends on your elder body. I knew a sister who was out for years. Came back and was reinstated within a month. I also personally knew someone df'd, reinstated, then df'd again in 1 year

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    @ wha happened:

    Yes there are a few acceptations to the rule, but most elderberries are huge grudge-holders.

    In my conned-green-nation I've never seen a groveling session (reinstatement) take less than 6-9 months; in fact most take a year or more.

  • blindnomore
  • blindnomore

    Go back to be a double agent? That's my dilemma. I can be reinstated any time now.

  • popcorn_eater

    I have thought about "studying" and joining the local JW congregation, getting baptized, and then disassociating myself/ getting disfellowshipped, simply because I really can't stand my JW stepdaughter's mom and hope never to ever speak to her again. HAHAHA

    In all seriousness I considered (for only about five minutes) becoming a JW myself when I acquired the stepdaughter because I thought it would be a good way to grow close to her, understand her life, and make new friends. Too bad the borg is what it is. And thank heavens I researched it first. I would have to not only become indoctrinated myself, but i would have to indoctrinate others, or at least attempt to. As many of you have lived, it's not sustainable to fake being a JW long-term.

  • 00DAD

    Back in the '80s when I was studying the elder that studied with me introduced me to another of his studies. A few months later the elder told me that during one of their studies the guy said I have something to show him. He got a picture of a Gilead graduating class and showed the elder.

    At this point the elder is still all like, "Yeah, so? It's a Gilead graduation. What about it?"

    The study points to one of the graduates and says, "That's me!"

    It turns out he had been a missionary in South America, got himself into some trouble and was DF'd. Apparently he thought this was the back-door way back into the organization. But I guess his conscience got the best of him and he outed himself. He was reinstated a year or so later.

    A few years ago, maybe 5 or 6, I ran into him at a bank. He was a male model when I first met him in the '80s, a really good-looking guy. But when I ran into him at the bank he was cleaning swimming pools for a living. But he was an elder now so it's all ok - how happifying!!!

  • AnneB

    People who were JW's in the early '80's may have heard this "experience" at a Circuit Assembly:

    Guy studies with JW's, gets baptized. Guy suffers a severe head trauma and drifts away from the congregation. Many years later someone from that congregation sees a familiar face at a Quick Build and inquires of the local congregation. He's told they don't know much about him, he showed up at the KH with amnesia, but studied and qualified for baptism. The same guy studied and got baptized twice!

    That's when the C.O. added his own comment: Isn't it wonderful, brothers! This man couldn't remember anything about his past but he recognized The Truth!

    Moral of the story: Someone is going to recognize you sooner or later.

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