THE KINGDOM OF esoteric,existential point of view

by Wizard of Oz 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Wizard of Oz
    Wizard of Oz

    Posting guidelines: I have been told on this board that I am asking the same question as everyone else. WRONG; I maybe being irreligious, facetious, flippant or any number of silly things but asking questions isn't one of them. I have my answers.

    My belief is not up for discussion, because it is MY BELIEF. I came to these conclusions after 43years of trial and tribulation, many of them involving the WBTS, though I was never in nor ever commenced a BSBS. I do however encourage your posts and look forward to reading your comments and may possibly comment myself from time to time; or not. I am an unlettered person having left school in Yr.8 so feel free to view me as an ass...speaking with the voice of a man. As the THAIS say that is "UP TO YOU"

    Thank you Still & Snare from the bottom of my heart. Your thread and post respectively were the catalyst for starting this one.


    The WTBTS would like us all to believe they are doing the will of god spreading Jesus' central message of "THE KINGDOM of HEAVEN" to the four corners of the earth. This is my manifesto as to where, when, how and why all religions fall short.

    As interperated by religion His exoteric message was one of a final climatic end to the world. His esoteric message however can be far more powerful in the long term. What then is this kingdom He came to tell us about? What is this central message, if not His only message to the world? What is this message never given before, with the probable exception of Buddah?

    Simply, the kingdom Jesus spoke about in private(mentioned in scripture) - for it is doubtful it would have been spoken much of it in public- as under Roman law this would have been seen as heresy and fully deserving of the death penalty.

    The kingdom he spoke about was obviously not an earthly kingdom ruled by men, He said as much before Pilate: "My kingdom is not of this world,but an inward spiritual kingdom. A kingdom which is part of the great unknown spiritual world, ruled by heavenly bodies,and which can only be reached by the mind of man(and woman)-Behold; the kingdom of heaven is within".

    This then would be a kingdom not dependant on a church,a minister,a book,a sect, or a set of rules. A kingdom which is inside all, irrespective of position or place in the world.

    Let me begin by making one point quite clear; the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN & KINGDOM OF GOD are one and the same.

    The writers of Matthew used the former expression thirty times and the latter only three. The writers of Mark & Luke use the latter term sixteen and thirty-nine times respectively, and do not use the phrase kingdom of heaven at all. Matthew's writers have Jesus saying,"It will be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven". Mark and Luke's writers put it this way,"How hard it will be for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of god". So my reasoning says to me they ARE interchangable.

    The kingdom of god is not a territory over which he rules supremely as earthly kings reign, it is a condition and state of being over which he has sovereignty. This then gives a completely new aspect to religion as it is known. It puts everything before it out of date,entering into a new dimension, hitherto unknown.

    Not that the kingdom didn't exist before Jesus; it did, he testified as much when he said all of the prophets from Abraham to Isaac and Jacob are in the kingdom. So it would seem that even in their day it was possible to enter, therefore it was not necessary for Jesus to die for men to enter/know truth about themselves, as some would have us believe. It was no new thing.

    After a close study of the new testamemt I have personally come to one inescapable conclusion which overrides anything else it may say on the kingdom and that is, that TO DO THE WILL OF GOD/FOLLOW OUR HIGHER SELF and TO BE IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN; are one and the same thing. For if we are truly being ourselves, who we were desinged to be as indiviuals; we are at peace with ourselves and to me that is; truly heaven.

    Jesus was not only a reformer, he was also a destroyer. He came to put an end to organised religion as it was known,to destroy the control the priests had over the people,to destroy their man made laws which were desinged to use and control the masses. He came to free us from the intolerable burdens imposed upon us by the priests. Jesus did not embark upon his mission to bring the people more religion, they were already wallowing in it,he came to free them & us fro the shackles of religion. He did not want man to look at icons(LOL), statues, gold embossed temples or so called spiritual teachers. It was not his intention to be the founder of some huge spiritual bureaucracy where the common man was nothin more than a pawn in the big game. Jesus came so that we may throw of the chains,get rid of the refuse of the past, and be free to seek the kingdom which is within everyone.

    He was the first of the existentialists,those who see that everything is an extension of our inward self, and that we should look within, not without, to find the meaning of and within our lives.

    Where and how did it all go so wrong. I suggest that Peter; the one who denied him three time before the cock crowed,Peter who was first bishop/pope of Rome and the Roman government just flatly refused to allow the truth be known,because of their own agenda; and it has been thus ever since.

    So now, what I personally see as truth has indeed gone out, by binary code via satellite link to wherever the heck it wants to go. (LOL)


    Jesus said many things; These are the ones I find most relevant, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH & THE LIFE; FOLLOW ME.........

    "The way" as I understand it, is that He Followed his own higherself; and that we should too. That is the Truth and if we do this the Life, each one unique; that was given to us will surely follow. HIS meaning to me is Follow Me in this way/manner. The second quote means the same i.e. you cannot know God unless you follow me in the aforementioned manner.

    Other scripture that has cemented my belief system is The Good Samritan in Luke. It was a lawyer who asked"Who can be saved". Jesus said ultimately that anyone who helped another in their distress with no thought of repayment would in deed be saved.
    Also, NO ONE CAN SERVE BOTH MAN AND GOD; using the above analogy this would again seem to be the way. THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE..... this is the truth that makes the most sense to me to set us free. Free to be ourselves, who we are.

    The following is how I view chapter three of the second book of Timothy , v1-10 is specifically about the WBTS.

    Just before I started school mum & dad took me down town to see what I would do with a small amount of money. There were a fish shop, an ice cream/lolly shop, a shop with a new fangled donut machine; dad loved these and a cafe with a new fangled juke box thingy. The rockers/bikies hangout.

    We walked up and down a few times. Dad said"Well son, what do you want to buy" "I want to buy music dad" said I. "You'll have to go and do it youself. You'll have nothing to eat or drink and I wouldn't be game to go in there but if that's what you want here you" and gave me the money.

    In I went, up to the jukebox; not a clue as to what to do. A woman came up,"You right darl, wanna play some music". "yes please"

    To cut a long story short, she took my money, played some music, bought me my first ever coke and we went outside where her man was talkin to my parents. I cashed in the bottle and bougt mum a chocolate. Dad thought I would be ok with my tuckshop money.

    My point is, is that that night even though I was with my parents, I knew I had found a part of myself. Rock 'n' roll & Motorcycles were in my living soul, I felt at ease and at home with these people. See2Timothy v14-15. It was at this point in my search for the truth I realized I no longer had to apologise or feel guilty about who I was or my way of life.

    I think it is in Corinthians where we are told as gentiles that all we have to do to be saved is three things "TO REFRAIN FROM BLOOD" i.e. blood sacrifice because Christ has died for us and no blood is greater than His. "THINGS THAT ARE STRANGLED"i.e. Jesus' teachings as outlined here "SEXUAL IMMORALITY"i.e. lust, sex for the sake of sex with no real feelings for the other person.
    Hebrews ch8 as I understand it from v10-12 extols our individuality and the truth re The Way. Some will say these sciptures are for the future; I think the future/new covenant arrived with the staking/ crucifixtion.

  • transhuman68

    LOL, it's a reasonable conclusion to reach.... sort of Gnostic in a way, but probably closer to the truth. 'Jesus' or the 'Jesus group' actually said very little originally, so your explanation is as good as any.

  • Wizard of Oz
    Wizard of Oz

    trans........Thankyou for your thoughts and taking the time to post. I have identified as a HEATHEN for the last 17yrs because a heathen is someone who does not follow established religions.

    Gnostic Heathen.......yeah I can certainly live with that

    Since i've only been back here today it looks like 74 readers have been left speechlessI guess



  • Wizard of Oz
    Wizard of Oz

    Apologies to all who have read posting guidelines and.................WTF, this is afterall a discussion forum

    AMMENDMENT: My belief is not up for discussion(by me), feel free however to discuss it among yourselves...............I look forward to

    Work today gotta go........EEEEEEYYOOOOOOORE

  • Wizard of Oz
    Wizard of Oz

    Apologies to all who have read posting guidelines and.................WTF, this is afterall a discussion forum. Thank you all for respecting my guidelines as posted

    AMMENDMENT: My belief is not up for discussion(by me), feel free however to discuss it among yourselves...............I look forward to

    Work today gotta go........EEEEEEYYOOOOOOORE

  • still thinking
    still thinking
    For if we are truly being ourselves, who we were desinged to be as indiviuals; we are at peace with ourselves and to me that is; truly heaven.

    I like that Wizzz....I have to agree...the more I get to know the real me...the more at peace I feel. I really don't think it is about the is about the inward.

    When we really value ourselves, and stop trying to be what others want, or thinking we are being what others want us to be...we relax...we breathe....we value life and the everything involved in life.

    Honestly admitting to ourselves our strengths, weaknessess, fears, humbling and freeing. When we accept ourselves for exactly who we are no one has any power over us any more.

    Is that the higher self you experience wizzzz?

  • Wizard of Oz
    Wizard of Oz

    @still thinking ............. Ab- so-bloody- lute- ly had me beat why people(me included) were always lying to themselves about all manner of things to appease ourselves over how others perceive us. PARANOIA is the demon that prevents us from becoming the real us and it lives within the human our minds. People learn to lie for all sorts of reasons, both good and bad and very rarely their are ramifications. Lying to ourselves though............all it does is cause a state of confusion i.e. Paranoia of self worth

    Didn't think I'd see you here till Fri-Sat......hope all is well and you 'n' friend are havin' ton of fun. CCCaatch ya L8r

  • still thinking
    still thinking friend is a free spirit...LOL.

    Dropped her at the train station earlier...may be back tomorrow...maybe not. Don't you just love friends that can pop back into your life and feel like they never left....*then they leave again*

    Actually, while she was here we had a very interesting conversation about coincidence....she said...'there is no such thing"....then we explored that idea for hours....BRILLIANT!...but I'm still not sure...LOL

    Funny, I notice on my thread that tec mentioned coincidences and how some were, but she knew some things weren't...that it was god...I'm still thinking about that one....

    So....not trying to derail your thread, but what are your thoughts on concidence? Or should I start a new thread...but if I do, I'm gonna really have to think about what I want to say/ask/put accross....and I'm not sure I'm ready for that....or maybe I need to take that back to my thread....*thinking out loud*...or maybe, I can just keep babbling on yours...

  • mP

    The ancients believed earth was for man and the heavens were for gods. I think i can confidently say without objections that many cultures believe this.

    The Egyptians, Christians all believe that God is up there and we are down here. When you die so they say, your soul goes to heaven and you become a star just like god and his helpers. We can see this idea present in Christian and WTS art and teh Bible. Most of these cultures think that heaven is some perfect ideal place and earth would benefit from copying heaven to earth. This is of course the origin of the saying "As above so below", which is very much christian, esoteric, astrotheological etc. This is part of the belief that the zodiac infulences our lives, where each sign has super natural powers and likes to alter certain things in certain ways according to their speciality. Xians dont realise but they have a similar system, where instead of 12 signs they have but two sides, good and evil. In the xian case they love to assign all god things to god and all bad to Satan.

    Its quite funny that this is but another example of the astrotheological thoughts that can be found in the BIble. Its unfortunate that most people see that light, good, bad, evil are merely talking about the good, warmth of the sun and its life bringing qualities and the bad, death and cold of night and winter.

  • Wizard of Oz
    Wizard of Oz

    @still that a mail icon

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