confession time

by lostinthought 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • lostinthought

    Here are the "sins" I committed this weekend:

    - I hung out with my catholic friend and flirted with him while together

    - brought a lotto ticket on a dare

    - forgot to do my WT

    -Now i'm posting on an apostate web site at 8:30 am, this is going to make me really late for the meeting....

    All of this bad stuff, and it's only Sunday morning....Let's see what other kinds of trouble I can get myself in today!

    Ok so those are my confessions...What are yours?

  • ex360shipper

    -Had dinner with a DF'd friend.

    -Got drunk

    -Got a blowjob (not from my DF'd friend)

    -Coveted my neighbors daughter (I THINK she's over 18)

    -Smoked weed

    -Got drunk again

    -Posted on an apostate website

    -Masturbated (oh my!)

    -Slept through a meeting (at home in my own bed)

  • cantleave

    Nothing to confess!

  • ex360shipper

    -cantleave You need to get crackin then! The weekend is almost over!

  • Flat_Accent

    I missed field service this weekend, though I did have a very sore throat so does that still count?

    Anyway, they've been out for 8 hours this weekend getting blisters, while I've been sat outside worshipping the sun like a flithy pagan.

  • NewChapter

    So many rules to break---so little time.

    But I'm not telling which ones I broke---however I could be df'd so many times over it's just humorous. Yes---I have returned to my own vomit!


  • Phizzy

    Those of us who have left totally do not have those guilty pleasures, we may do exactly the same thing (stll waiting for a BJ though) but we would not feel guilty.

    So, when Cantleave and I say we have nothing to confess, it don't mean we are not having fun, just fun with no guilt, its great !

  • Flat_Accent

    Hey, we're all waiting for a BJ, Phizzy. Even ex360, cause he's a greedy bugger. Just hang in there.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    define sin

  • exwhyzee

    They claim that those who leave the Org. revert to a "low sink of debauchery" like the nations.

    I don't suddenly feel the need to do anything naughty just because I'm not a JW anymore.

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