Prelude to a disfellowshipping: An open letter.

by rory-ks 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasblind

    The witnesses I came to be aquainted wit, were good people caught up in a bad situation

    the things they do are only out of trynna do right by the Devil himself that's in disguise

    Sulla, people caught up in a bad situation, does not mean it's because they are bad people

    The Slavery was bad, does that mean the slaves were too ????

    Like Apostatethunder said, this organization does damage to otherwise good people

  • Quendi

    Have there been any further developments in your case, rory-ks, other than the actual judicial action? Writing a letter such as yours is cathartic for the writer and will benefit him if nobodhy else. But I'm sure others have and will take courage from the stand you have taken despite suffering much pain and loss in the process. My only advice is this: move forward and don't look back. This organization, like so many of its kind before it, will eventually be tossed on the ash heap of history. You are free now to live the life you were meant to live, and you have all my respect as well as my best wishes.


  • Phizzy

    I second Quendi's motion. My thoughts exactly.

    Sulla, I see what you are getting at, but you make the error of generalising as do those who claim JW's are mostly good people.

    I think it is better to word the problem as being : most people who join the cult are probably good people, the cult corrupts them and then we cannot say they are "good", how can someone willing to sacrifice their own child for the Blood doctrine be "good" ?, once they leave, they slough off the corruption and filth of the WT/JW religion and have the chance to be good again.

    All the XJW's I have met seem to be very lovely people now.

    Thanks Rory again, and all the best for the future to you and yours !

  • rory-ks

    There haven't really been any further developments, Quendi. Not publicly, anyway. However, I am not discounting the possibility that something in the letter might have planted a seed in someone's heart. I passed the letter on to several elders who were not directly involved in the case, so even if the chairman of the committee did not see fit to circulate the letter, others did get to see a, who knows.

    I think it has also been helpful to those who visit this site. I take consolation from your words that "others have and will take courage from the stand you have taken." I can see that is true just from the kind-hearted and positive comments on this post alone. I include you in that too, Phizzy, you have been very supportive, and I am extremely grateful.

    I have absolutely no regrets about how things turned out. I am so pleased to be outside the walls of the organisation. I feel very much at peace with where I am spiritually. I continue to write at least one article a week for my website, A Carpenter from Nazareth, and it is great to see the visitor count rising incrementally. I am happy just to allow things to gently unfold, future-wise.

    Thank you for momentarily reviving this thread, BlindersOff1. It is good to have the opportunity to update you all on how things are.

  • jemba

    my plan has always been to threaten them with legal action personally.

    Ive been DF once and it was a nightmare, esp losing my family that was 'in'.

    Wishing you all the best Rory. Awesome letter.

  • BlindersOff1

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