Prelude to a disfellowshipping: An open letter.

by rory-ks 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • 00DAD

    Wow, Rory, I'm saddened by what's happening to you, but sadly not surprised. This organization has become the worst of what it condemns in other religions. As Ray Franz pointed out, it is a pattern that recurs with depressing regularity.

    Your letter is very well-written. Your reasoning is both respectful and powerful. Nevertheless, I doubt it will prevent your disfellowshipping (although I'd be happy to be wrong in this matter), nevertheless it may get one or two of the elders thinking.

    I especially appreciated your final comparison to Jesus being killed for apostasy and the irony of the timing of the events. I recently wrote in another thread this about Jesus' trial:

    Judicial Hearing Procedures of Jehovah's Witnesses are Bible Based

    The modern judicial hearing procedures of Jehovah's Witnesses are based on a Bible account.

    It's a fairly familiar account. You'll recognize it immediately:

    An individual is required to appear before numerous judges against his will. He is not allowed any representation or even anyone to accompany him simply for moral support. He is not told the charges prior to the hearing, nor is he informed what the evidence is against him or who the witnesses will be. He is outnumbered by both his accusers and the judges. No outside, independent observers are allowed to insure that his civil rights are not violated nor are there any formal, public records kept of the judicial proceedings. He stands alone.

    Do you recognize this account? Does it sound familiar? As a model for modern day Judicial Hearings of Jehovah's Witnesses, who does the individual represent? Who do the judges represent? Do you think the results of that Biblical judicial proceeding were just or not? Why or why not?

    Which side would you have wanted to be on in the Biblical account? Which side, if any, do you find yourself on today?

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  • beenthere2
  • TOTH

    Hoping the best for you and your family.


    You wasted your time writtng that letter. All they see is WATCHTOWERS. Satan has truly blinded their eyes. You should be happy instead. By their announcement they are actually officially announcing that they are the apostates.

    If you really want to piss them off tell one of your friends to attend that meeting and clap his hands when they make the announcement.


  • Kojack57

    Rory: Sorry to hear about your situation. But maybe some of the elders may reflect on your words even though they may not admit it to the other elders.

    May get even one to contemplate your reasoning and eventually get them to thinking about how wrong it is and then he may investigate. But don't hold your breath they are going to disfellowship you. Christian love to you and your family my brother.

  • RayPublisher

    Rory great letter brother very good reasoning. By itself it unfortunateyl won't stop them.

    Why not hold these men's feet to the fire more forcefully by letting them know that you will be suing each of them personally if they defame your character?

    Not sue the WTS- you will sue THEM. They will consult with the legal dept. and that will stop the announcement for a time, possibly longer.

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Rory, Im sorry you are going through this! Your last paragraph blew me away.........Paula x

  • RayPublisher

    Brother Rory, any developments yet?

  • ziddina
    "What astounded me in similar circumstances is that no Elder would try to explain or defend the faith/doctrine of the WT in the areas I had shown it to be defective. How on earth, if they had a conscience, could they DF someone for not believing a doctrine that they cannot show to be true ?..."

    Excellent point, Phizzy...

    Is there some way in which that point could be featured in a letter of disassociation or letter of protest against impending disfellowshipment???

  • Vanderhoven7


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