Preaching on rainy days... What a joke!

by OneDayillBeFree 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    I live in the northwest and rain doesn't bother me too much, but I hate going on the days it's 35 degrees with gale force winds and it’s snowing like devil.

    Would you want to stand outside or at your front door talking to some asshole with weather like that? NO!

    But isn't it so loving we're braving the weather to share the "good news" while they spend $$$ letting all the heat out of their house? Puh-lease.

  • talesin

    We used to do apartment complexes when it rained.

    Sooo happy I NEVER have to do it ever ever again, and hope your freedom is achievable sooner rather than later, OneDay !


  • tootired2care


    For now all I can do is wait, be patient and endure. I hope you and others can understand.

    I totally get it, i'm right there with you man, I'm biding my time for freedom too. Just out of curiosity what is your exit strategy? I'm doing a one year fade.

    I thought you might appreciate this experience. A few months ago we had the dreaded C/O visit, you know the visit where everyone comes out of the woodwork and gets all phony theocratic :) Well it was saturday service and raining that day. So the CO goes though his speil about how we're all the happiest people on earth (no accounting for phony) and then came the familiar moment of akward and popularity contest...he tells everyone who has plans to go to one side of cong, and somehow me and my wife managed to not be put into a group. I thought about making a stink about it; but just smiled walked out and went to breakfast, went home and chilled out, and thought about all poor people standing at the door trying to give a presentation with wind and rain blowing on them (because thats dignified and reflects so well on God right???). Yeah so the next time the C/O rolls around you won't see us out in service that day, what a joke this has all gotten to be.

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