A Message to Women From a Man

by palmtree67 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    great article.......thanks palmtree.

    As always, lots to think about..not just about how I am treated, but how I treat others.

  • flipper

    PALMTREE- Excellent article ! Thanks for posting. This is a big problem in our society these days in how men dismiss women's opinions and takes on things. My wife and I saw the " Gaslight " movie with Ingrid Bergman a few months ago. I've known female family members who this has happened to in my JW family and elsewhere. It's really narcissistic for men to do this kind of gaslighting to women OR children for that matter. Abuse of women happens way too much in our society. It's a really good article especially for men to read who have come out of the JW cult. It was so patriarchal and male dominated- that's one of the huge reasons I read my JW dad the riot act in December for gaslighting my JW mom in not allowing her to come visit us ! But ALL JW's , including my 80 something year old dad are mind controlled by the WT society to misuse and abuse their alleged " headship " arrangement to control their wives and other JW females. It's disgusting.

    If I see this $hit happening from men in my family towards women I call them on it , or any OTHER men doing this to women on the board. I'm at the point in my life in my early 50's that I won't take crap from powermongers of ANY sort anymore , and if all of us STAND UP to gaslighter type people - usually they'll shrink like violets because what makes them so controlling and dominating anyway is a deep insecuity about themselves. So if we stand up to them, it surprises them , they don't expect it. Call their bluff and they turn into pieces of chicken $hit - it's what I've noticed anyway many times. Good article, thanks for posting it ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • palmtree67

    Morbidz: I'm glad you liked the article, I've followed your story on the board and often thought our EX's were alike.

    Tammy: Yes, definately food for thought, no matter what gender we are.

    Mrs. J: I actually thought of you and your mother when I read the article. From some of the experiences you've posted, she's definately a "gaslighter".

    Still: I agree, we should all think about this.

    Mr. F: It would be nice if more men called each other on this. Your love and respect for your wife alwys shines through your posts! And I want to see "Gaslight" now, too......

  • talesin

    Xcellent article, and so true. Merci, Palm.

    And "Gaslight" is an excellent flick. I used to watch all the B&W's on TV with my mom, back in the day.



  • N.drew

    Thank you for the answer to my internal question. It is gaslighting.

    I kept thinking when a male derails a thread it is nothing (unless he is spewing religious babble). But if I did it was selfish and unkind.

    If a male poster made a cutting remark it was nothing. If JWN thought I was cutting back it was a shame.

    I appreciate the article Palmtree, thanks for posting.

  • Jack C.
    Jack C.
    Overly Sensitive, Overly Emotional, Defensive, Overreacts, Can't Calm Down, Can't Relax, Freaks Out! Acts Crazy! No Sense of Humor, and Overly Dramatic are normal reactions of many women who live in the constant hell of being involved with some of the self centered ass holes I've known and seen who call themselves men. Abuse a thing of beauty long enough and that is what you get. There are of course exceptions to this rule but at some point all this behavior can be traced back to some form of physical or emotional abuse...


  • 00DAD

    Interesting read.

    Sadly this type of emotional manipulations is extremely common and men are victims of it too.

    It's one of the techniques the WTBTS uses on ALL the R&F to keep them in line:

    "WE didn't make any false prophecies, it was YOU that read too much into our words, ... yadayadayada"

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    I get called "sensitive" when I get upset about some things, even if I try really hard to be nice and controlled emotionall. I get called bitchy if I complain about things, even if it it is just breifly and lightly stated (on my part). I get called "opinionated" if I share....opinions! Even if they aren't strong opinions.

    Women should just STFU and see how some men (and some women!) like it.

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    A great read Palm, thanks for taking time out to post.

    I remember WAY back in school, (I was maybe 11?)....learning that the word hysterical has something to do with "walking womb" and is a deregatory term applied to women. Maybe Im getting confused, ? Anyway, I enjoyed reading about gaslighting, and the film sounds like something I might enjoy watching, thanks

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    my ex was a master at this. She also liked to beat a subject to the point that I would just get upset at the mention of a previous argument. She usually did that in front of others to "trigger" me.

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