Great Quotes of Great Minds

by N.drew 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • N.drew
    I wanted you to see how much MORE you are, Nancy, how much STRONGER you are than you may sometimes feel.

    Thank you! I don't mind tough love. Sometimes it works very good. I don't like gangs. Does anyone? I do not believe you were misguided. A little over-stepping, maybe. It is OK.

    If it were done, when 'tis done, then 'twere well. It were done quickly

  • james_woods

    If it were done, when 'tis done, then 'twere well. It were done quickly

    That sounds somehow - vaguely - erotic.

  • Razziel

    "If you sh!t in a circle, eventually you'll step in it." - my gramma

  • Razziel

    On a side note, I really wish I could have gotten to know my grandparents. They had all sorts of wisdom, knowledge, and life foibles I could have learned from. But alas, I was not allowed to because my JW parents wouldn't let me be around them. Now they're all dead. All I've got are vague impressions and a few memorable quotes.

  • N.drew

    Who said it?

    I was looking for a Shakespeare quote about the finish. The means justify the end. Something like that. Forgiveness is a great thing! I am glad to forgive anyone, but they must want it. I need forgiveness, but I don't feel good assuming it.

    JWN has many great Quotes and Great Minds.

    When I post sometimes I consider the outcast looking in reading and I almost always consider the future. Not of myself so much as HOW will we appear to the future. And how will each of us cope with whatever may come. You have helped me Talesin. Today I saw the Elders at my door. I thought compared to JWN this will be a piece of cake! I told them about Jesus.

  • james_woods
    "If you sh!t in a circle, eventually you'll step in it." - my gramma

    "If youre so God-Damned Smart, then why aren't you rich?" - my grandfather.

  • N.drew
    I really wish I could have gotten to know my grandparents because my JW parents wouldn't let me be around them.

    Razziel. It's so sad! Inexcusable. Will they never learn that their job is to promote love, not hate?

    My grandparents died before I was old enough to know them well. I heard that my Dad's mom threw water on the walls during a storm.

  • james_woods
    Today I saw the Elders at my door. I though compared to JWN this will be a piece of cake!

    That's what we are here for.

  • talesin

    I used to be quite judgemental, and found it was the hardest part of being a JW to let go of. Perhaps because my parents are so quick to judge others on principle, as well as being in the religion. To see ourselves through others' eyes, is a real learning experience, and for me, the learning never stops.

    There are no mean gurls here, and if I helped you to see that 'outspoken' or 'disagreeing' isn't 'mean', well, that's a good thing. For me, the lesson was all about intent. Did that person intend to hurt me? Usually not; most likely they were just stating how they felt, and never gave a thought to how I might react. Once I learned that lesson,,, well, life got a lot easier. That's what it means to 'not take things personally'.



  • talesin

    Razzi, and Nancy,, I am sad to hear you missed out on your grandparents. It is a special kind of love - one that I never got from my parents.

    Though she died when I was 18, I have never forgotten that my grandmother always said I was "the apple of her eye". The memory of that love has gotten me through many challenging and lonely times - to know that I was once that loved, meant that some day, someone else just might love me again.



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