What a shame - but fortunate for the org

by Mickey mouse 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • 3dogs1husband
  • GOrwell

    Great post - thanks Randy for the insight.

  • leavingwt

    Randy: Thanks for providing us with those details. I really enjoyed it.

  • besty

    Randy i am disfellowshipping you again - thats 3 times now - the universe is telling you something :-)))

  • Paralipomenon

    I couldn't give a DAMN who likes me or my beliefs or not. I was even willing to lose a couple of decades-old contributors for having atheists among my bloggers. And I did. But others took up the slack.

    There are very few theists (and atheists for that matter) that are confident enough in their beliefs to allow opposing viewpoints to stand next to theirs when they have the power to restrict them.

    Kudos to you.

  • Diest

    I don't think anyone wants to take money from Cynthia, but it is not that hard to have books put into Kindle(mobi) and Nook (Epub) formats. If you dont want someone to download it illegally make it easy. In the past her fulfillment was done by Amazon. This means she did not have to do any of the shipping, so it seems to me that very little effort is being made to make sure these books are on the market.

  • Dogpatch

    Thanks Paralipomenon!

    Besty says,

    Randy i am disfellowshipping you again - thats 3 times now - the universe is telling you something :-)))

    I'm going for a record.


  • redvip2000

    I also have noticed how scarce these books have become, making them extremely expensive, which does not help the cause of many us who wish to open the eyes of practicing dubbs. The "Gentile times reconsidered" is up to $65 on Amazon - truly ridiculous price.

    I personally have PDF's of all of these books, but i'll agree that it's not right to share these for free and rob the reward from the people who took so much time writing these pieces.

    Regarding Ray, it is true that he never really separated himself totally from the org, especially on an emotional level, and even regarding some of the positions that has Watchtower has on other denominations. He was a good man, who loved the brotherhood, and really wanted to make it work as opposed to separating himself from it.

  • Londo111

    I have noticed that Brother Franz's books are noticeably absent from public libraries. On the other hand, the library I visited Saturday had 2 copies of the Proclaimers books. Hmm…

  • cofty

    Thanks for that Randy.

    Besty, hope you're doing ok back this side of the pond?

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