Memorial Attendance – Need an Advice Please

by Yan Bibiyan 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • outsmartthesystem

    If you show up out of the blue to the KH for the memorial WITH NO SPECIAL will be love bombed. Not a good idea sounds like your wife faded for the wrong reasons. It sounds like she faded out of discontent or perhaps depression. Unless she faded due to the lies and hypocrisy of the Watchtower then I am afraid she is ripe to be lured back into the flock of mindless sheep. It won't take much. A major world event.....a natural disaster.....anything that can trigger the cult mindset to kick back in and the next think you know she'll be front and center at the KH again.

    On the same token you don't want to viciously attack the organization right now either because it is CLEAR that she still feels they have SOME sort of truth or she wouldn't want to attend the memorial.

    If I were you I would happen to trip upon maybe one more hot topic item. Maybe print the letter that Rutherford sent to Hitler and say in a disheartened tone "I just don't understand how God could tolerate such rhetoric from the leader of the organization let alone direct it." Maybe that will be all she needs to stay home. Beyond that....I wouldn't cause too much of a stink for fear that you'll come across as bitter and evil.....just like what the WT warns her about.

    At least your wife will LISTEN to you. If I were you.....and all the above fails....then I'd go with her...but I'd print out ahead of time a good definition of "love bombing" and prime examples of when and how love bombing is used. I'd also make a list (perhaps) of names from the KH that had always been rather indifferent to your wife in times past......but that you suspect may be prime love bombers. On the way home from the memorial, when your wife mentions how nice everyone was......I'd hand both the list of names and the definition/examples of love bombing to your wife and say...."yeah it was nice that everyone was so happy to see you.....but....I've been doing some research on not just witnesses....but other high control groups as well. I knew this would happen. I knew they would "love bomb" you. I wasn't able to predict this because I am some blessed saint.......but because it is a standard action/reaction of any high control group when they see a new prospect or an older prospect that has been disengaged for a while. It isn't unique....but rather a telltale sign of a high control group at work."

    If there is anything I've learned it is that this fight is like a boxing match. Only you're a light weight and the Watchtower is a heavy weight. You're ONLY chance at victory is to grind out a 12 round decision by jabbing and moving. Continue to ask pertinent questions and lay seeds. If you go for the knockout punch, you're the only one that will end up on the floor. The Watchtower cannot be knocked out. But it can be defeated.

  • ziddina
    "Bear in mind, Mrs. is a full blown candidate for a JC - Christmass decorations, materialistic views, pursuing graduate degree as we speak, the whole 9 [yards]..." Yan Bibiyan


    Y'know, all it would take is one good, solid slip of the tongue on her part, and she'd be in front of a Judicial Committee faster than you can say, "apostates are mentally diseased"...

    I'm certain that YOU wouldn't do anything that would expose her. It's got to come from her...

    But - with all those things that she's doing, that are "against" Watchtower Corporation edicts, I do wonder why on earth she would still want to attend???

    I wonder if it's the "body out - brain still in" effect??? Or a variation thereof...

  • Morbidzbaby

    It seems as if zid might be on to something... Your wife seems to be out in some aspects, but perhaps she feels that the WT way of observing the Memorial is the closest thing to what Jesus wanted. Personally, I would try to draw her out and ask her to tell you WHY she feels she wants to go. Ask what her motivating factor is. She's your wife, after all...she should be able to tell you. Don't ask with any malice, but genuine curiosity (hell, I'd be curious as to why someone who thinks celebrating holidays and various other DFing offenses are okay would be inclined to go back to the KH!). Use her answer as a springboard to having an open conversation about it. If her reason is, in fact, that she thinks that this is how Jesus wants his death to be celebrated, show her information that says the contrary. There are quite a few threads here that discuss the Memorial and how it's actually a slap in the face to Jesus... This might help her more than putting up a stink or trying to show her other things beforehand. This might be what she needs in order to be mentally freed.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Zid, outsmart and morb, thank you for the additional comments.

    Yes, Mrs. is held captive at some level for unknown to me reasons. In the present state of calm and defacto fade, I hesitate to dig, as some resoning and long gone rational may get activated and work against her.

    I think it is due to her having lost both parents and a very dear grandmother, all hardcore in the borg, that is dangling that carrot of ressurection....I don't know. Maybe its the "one meeting you have to make" thing, regardless of the meaning or lack thereof.

    Anyway, I will go and use the suggested ammo if things turn sour.

    Wish me luck

  • OnTheWayOut

    Bear in mind, Mrs. is a full blown candidate for a JC -

    That almost changed my answer, but if they wanted her for the Christmas decorations, they would have gone after her.

    You could mention that attending puts them on "their" RADAR and hope that she at least considers attending to visit friends outside her home congregation, but I highly doubt that will really matter in the long run.

    Materialistic views and going to college are not DF offenses.

  • WTWizard

    If necessary to keep the peace, go--and point out what a waste of time it really is. You risk an encounter with Brother Hounder, even if they are under instruction otherwise. You have the hassle of parking (often with attendants giving confusing directions) and finding a seat. Then, you sit down and listen to a boring 45 minute talk, then you reject Jesus by passing the emblems around without partaking. After that, a recruiting and guilt talk, and then the fight to leave the place.

    After this, you have several options on how to impress on your mate what a waste of time the whole thing was. Was it worth the hassle of finding a parking space? Never mind the gas it wasted to go. Then, it was congested once you got in. Your best option, if you are a believing Christian, is to locate your favorite Bible translation and look up the scriptures (using online sources to enhance the Bible itself, if desired). If you are leaning out of religion, your best bet would be to point out what a waste of time to prepare special emblems for a Deity that doesn't exist or that was nothing more than an apostate Jew seeking to liberate mankind from God. The point is not so much a guilt trip this year, but a lesson so your partner will realize that it is a waste and will not repeat the trip in the future.

    Of course, make sure you do not go back for anything else. The trap they want people to fall for is to attend the "special(??)" talk, then attend all the boasting sessions, and finally back to field circus. All the problems you originally had to drive you out the first time will still be there. Worse, if you are the unbeliever, there is a good chance they will go after you to get you to the Kingdumb Hell as well. They want nothing more than for you to accept a study, and will take the one-step-at-a-time approach if need be. No.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Thanks OTWO an WTWiz.

    "...Worse, if you are the unbeliever, there is a good chance they will go after you to get you to the Kingdumb Hell as well. ..."

    Hell, Hell, Hell no! Believe me, they don't want to f#@k with me anymore. I have already rejected their precious message after discontinuing the no-brain-needed-sessions study; I am birdfood material at this point.

    Every time I see them at the grocery store or the parking lot and they can't avoid me by turning around, they put on the fake smile and ask "How are you". And I always say "Great, never been better!", which is the honest truth...

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