College and the Watchtower: Remember One Thing

by metatron 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I see your point

    the big thing before I left was elders going back to school (for their job)

    So its ok for bro school servent to go back and get his bachelors cause his job demands it but you coming out of HS you need to pioneer and trust in JAH to provide...;-/

  • snare&racket

    Exactly Darth F ! This issue (education) along with a few others really gripe me (elder apostates.... sorry just hits a button). Education is food for the soul, it is so amazing! I urge anyone to go and sit in a lecture hall and not feel inspired by the humility of how much we dont know alongside the astounding realisation of what we do know! You can be a window cleaner all your life....or you can save lives! One happens to pay more too! People dont do menial jobs out of choice! They do it because they didnt work hard at school, their circumstances as an adult dont allow them to go back to school or their evil cult forbids personal growth and progress ! Why would someone choose to be a pizza delivery driver or a floor washer over a Lawyer? They wouldnt, if they could swap jobs they would ! All I am saying is.. YOU CAN swap jobs, go back to school! Dont try and make it personal by talking about prestige, it has nooooo relevance. The window washer is not doing their job out of love or passion, thousands of people apply for each seat in medicine however !

    Frosty, I knew a PO, that was going to university evening classes on the quiet for 3 years. He got his degree and didnt tell a soul ! He doesnt pioneer, he works long hours and lives in comfortable surroundings. What a joke! The worst part is I knew how passionate he was for the topic he went off to study, and he remians passionate. It isnt that he hid the degree and got wealthier for it that annoys me, its that he had to quash that passion. So, so , so repressive, it is not healthy.

    Snare x

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "You think the Governing Body has to worry about having a job or place to live?"

    If the born-ins keep going away to college, leaving "the truth", and posting info on the internet exposing JWs, the GB will have to worry about their future.

  • garyneal

    Well said, metatron.

    I remember a few years ago my wife wanted to stop going to college and try to get a 'Bible' education. It was a coincidence (NOT) that the prior assembly harped against education in lieu of pioneering (as they always do). So I asked her, "How did elder 'nice guy' get his degree and work as a pharamacist?" "He got his degree before he came into the truth," she replied. "Well, isn't that convenient. Get your degree, get your good job while you are a worldly, then come into the religion with all the benefits of a good education," I said. How sick....

    I don't know if that convinced her to go on with her degree or not but she went on with it. Now she realizes the importance of getting a good job with a good income but she still feels guilty about it. Saying she hates being all 'money grubby' and all.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "Saying she hates being all 'money grubby' and all."

    Sheesh, get involved with accounts in the congregation and circuit. Just watch how 'money grubby' the organization, CO, and DO are.

    Actually, money is just one factor in considering a better job. How about health insurance? Paid vacation and time off? Weekends off? Working conditions? Respect in the workplace? Job security? Some people are actually willing to switch jobs with a cut in pay in order to have other advantages.

  • garyneal
    Actually, money is just one factor in considering a better job. How about health insurance? Paid vacation and time off? Weekends off? Working conditions? Respect in the workplace? Job security? Some people are actually willing to switch jobs with a cut in pay in order to have other advantages.

    You're so preaching to the choir, Billy. Never-the-less, she likes her vacations and shopping sprees. Those things don't come free. However, I certainly don't consider her to be money grubby, she just realizes that we need more money if we want to be able to work and have daycare provided (which is by no means cheap), plus have a roof over our head and food on the table while still being able to do some of those extra things. You know like, vacations and eating out and shopping sprees.

  • snare&racket

    Its such an odd perspective garyneal, but it exists in the JW's for sure.... to want to earn a good wage is to be greedy or a money grabber!

    Outside in the real world this is obviously not the case and to say such a thing would seem odd.

    Spot the difference ..... 1) the JW window washer that gets up t 6am and finishes at 5pm to pay his mortgage

    2)the degree taught JW who works 9-4 in an office earning twice as much in less stressful or hardy

    conditions with full health care.

    Tic toc tic toc tic toc.... spot the difference? Bet you didnt say money grabbing! But this mental indoctrination aka brainwashing has purveyed the congregations. Its important you reason with your wife so she does not feel guilty for wanting to better herself.

    The reality is, the WT organisation is a publishing company and a construction company. It is NOT a coincidence that the only education they 'allow' or promote is in the building trade. HELLO !!!! MCFLY !!!! ANYBODY HOME MCFLY !!! These trade courses take as long as a degree, if anything a degree gives you FAR much moe time to yourself than say a course in plumbing. But guess what! The WT society REALLY dont want historians, but they REALLY need plumbers!!!

    Dont waste your lives on these people, there is no refund for this life. This is it, the 70 year countdown began a long time ago for most of us. Get doing what you want to do, if thats learning then go do it ! If its becoming a plumber... then go do that too ! But do it because its what you want to ! tic toc tic toc tic toc.....

    Snare x

  • snare&racket

    Great minds Billy

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    thats what happened to my SIL. The elders who counseled her to not attend college, ALL HAD CHILDREN WHO GRADUATED WITH A DEGREE.

  • snare&racket

    I remember hearing that Judah Benjamin Schroeder went to University to study law. All the while JW's defend the merits of being a good window cleaner!

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