How Did You View The Elders?

by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • JeffT

    One that was really a good man. He stepped down at one point, I'm not sure why, he said it was to take better care of his own family. It upset everybody in the congregation and he was back as an elder a year or so later.

    A couple of others in the same congo were first class jerks. Most of the rest we're ordinary guys who were in over their heads. The biggest problem with elders is that the recieve NO training for dealing with sort of problem.

  • straightshooter

    I thought they were perfect. I wanted their approval, especially to advance in the cong. Only after 25 years, did my eyes open to see that a few were good men. A few, especially the alpha elders, were totally back-biting, power-hungry individuals. And the majority of the elders did not want to displease the alpha elders, even if they knew the alpha elders were wrong.

  • av8orntexas

    When I first started going, and got baptized I was in my early to mid teens. I viewed them as gods like Found Sheep. Stick close to them and 'You'll go places kid !" Thats deserves a mega

    They'd be sitting during the meeting and someone would come whisper something in their ear, and back then it seemed like it must have been something all important. They'd get up and it would be some elders and MS in the back having a pow wow. I was like wow....must be really important stuff.

    When I was in my early 20's I changed congregations and well..I had an isssue with porn from my previous congregation. I was young...late teens, early 20's and raging hormones like a normal young guy. Well that was put in my letter to my new congregation. I saw the elder from my former hall at the convention that year. Well we were off to the side and he LAUGHS in my face and asks, "How'd you like what I put in that letter ,huh ?" He though it was funny. At the time I was really ashamed because I was really trying to reach out and knew I had messed up. This is the same brother who told me he smoked pot like crazy when studying himself when talking to me about my issue. By the time I got to 26,27 I thought most were full of s%$#.

    One who I'd always go to about trying to reach out was always giving me advice. Despite doing everything he suggested......I never seemed to qualify for MS. One time he told me perhaps I should quit my job, or change careers. I love my job, and at that point I thought he and most others didn't know what they were talking about. This elder has a 4-year degree, and a pretty nice job with ExxonMobil.

    By the time I left I viewed most as egotistic. Very much in love with titles. I would NEVER tell them anything, as they have some of the loosest lips around. I found out about a brothers issues througha sister in our hall. I didn't ask,but she told me she knew the information because she 'pressured' an elder about this certain young man.

    I realized if they didn't like you, you could stand on your head with both hands out and they'd skip you for commenting. It was at that point that I just said who gives flying %%$#@ ! I just stopped commenting all together and the friends would wonder why I didn't comment so well.

    I especially hated young elders. Dude you're 4-5 years older than me. Get over yourself.

    I can think of 3 right now who I'd say really are good guys.........really try to help........but they'll never see the organization as flawed.

  • tiki

    My father was a boozed up one....I knew a couple - no several that were downright nasty....some good guys in the bunch, however...some very nice guys. (most of whom probably are here)... then there was that one of the lord's anointed who was a pervert....but we won't go there.


    Make a JW Elder feel wanted..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • tiki

    a lot of them too love the power it gives them. they could never attain a "position" at work or in the world, but here they find a place where they can be looked up to and it makes them feel superior. when the power goes to their head, then it gets bad. another issue surrounds the ones that are just plain stupid. they conduct the worst most boring pitiful sessions - no command of the English language - terrible grammar...all sorts of annoyances. And where they get the idea they are able to play psychiatrist or psychologist or counsellor is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out there.

  • tiki

    a lot of them too love the power it gives them. they could never attain a "position" at work or in the world, but here they find a place where they can be looked up to and it makes them feel superior. when the power goes to their head, then it gets bad. another issue surrounds the ones that are just plain stupid. they conduct the worst most boring pitiful sessions - no command of the English language - terrible grammar...all sorts of annoyances. And where they get the idea they are able to play psychiatrist or psychologist or counsellor is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out there.

  • tiki

    that was repetition for emphasis................hahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  • av8orntexas

    I agree tiki. I saw that in a guy who became elder in his early 30's.

    I'm shocked his head was able to get into the hall after the massive swelling it had undergone.

  • dgp


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