New member

by Kool Jo 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    Hello everyone! I've been lurking here since late last year...was very hesitant to join the forum because of fear that Satan would control my PC...

    I'm born in, but always had my little doubts about "the truth" since I was young, but went ahead and got baptized ect...

    I stumbled upon this site while looking for a KM and initially thought it was a JW forum, but after seeing some of the titles of various threads, I thought to myself "I'm on an apostate website". Honeslty, despite the warning we get from the WTBS to stay away...the curiosity got the better of me although I felt very uneasy/guilty for vewing an apostate site.

    Physically, I'm "still in" because of family, but I'm mentally out depite currently serving as an MS. Will share more info later and looking forward to learning/sharing more...I've completed "crisis of conscience" and all I can say is UNBELEIVABLE!!!!!!!


    Kool Jo

  • ziddina

    Hi, Kool Jo!

    Welcome to the board!!!

    Zid - the board's She-Devil ..... [Hee hee hee hee!!!]

  • FlyingHighNow

    Welcome. And do not be afraid. We are all your brothers and sisters, we just have a lot more freedom of lifestyle and expression.

  • Lozhasleft

    Hello Kool Jo and welcome. It's good to have you aboard. I'm sure CofC was a shock for you, but an excellent book by a fine man. The work he put into it amazes me. Keep reading and researching, and let's hope it leads you to a real freedom.

    So many newbies here with so many fears, makes me sad for all those who're becoming 'aware' but are so trapped.

    Loz x

  • thetrueone

    Welcome to the forum Kool Jo

    This web site has actually been up and going for ten years now.

    There's a ton of information at your finger tips and you can use the search box at the top if there's one particular topic

    that interests you. There are a lot informative people who are willing to help you out with questions and your opinion is welcome

    on topics if we want to join in on one of the thread topics.

  • smiddy

    Welcome Kool Jo,you will get the equivalent of a university degree by absorbing the information obtained on this board ,not WT publications LOL

    we look forward to your input in future posts


  • Flossycat

    Hi Kool Jo. I'm from Melbourne, Australia - was a Pioneer, 2 older sisters were Pioneers (when they were younger and didn't mind lugging huge bags of books around), and one of my brothers is an Elder. If you feel up to it, take a squiz at my websiet:

    Nice to 'see' you at the discussion forum.



  • TOTH

    Welcome to the board!

  • jamiebowers

    Welcome...look forward to hearing your story!

  • sizemik

    A warm welcome to you.

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