1914+100 Years

by Conan The Barbarian 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    sorry caps

  • steve2

    Never underestimate the mileage religious groups can get out of failed predictions.

    The Millerites (splintered with one group becoming 7th-Day Adventists) believed (and continue to believe) that 1844 is a watershed year in Biblical prophecy. Miller identified it as the year the world would end. It didn't. It's now well over 160 years overdue. Same with Russelites and 1914 (splintered with one group morphing into Jehovah's witnesses).

    The need to cling to well-intentioned but wrong beliefs is incredibly strong among those who know nothing else or believe nothing else. Sure, it could be a shaky year for some - but for the bulk, it'll be business as usual (with the movement towards greater apathy among the rank and file in Western countries continuing.....).

  • straightshooter

    Welcome to this forum.

    With the new "generation" explanation, the WTS will not be worried about 100 years from 1914. They now emphasize that Jehovah has a set date, he always has had a set date, and we can not change it or know it. But they do believe that we are deep into the time of the end based on Matt 24 etc. Hence to a jw, they are closer to the end of this system now than 10 years ago.

  • LostGeneration

    Yeah they definitely aren't easing up on 1914 at all, think about those recent 607 articles.

    They took time to waste 10 pages over a couple of months, all in a deceptive attempt to save that abandoned building sitting on quicksand!

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    I'm with LostGeeration; they're already doing/planning damage control and since this is the case they have plenty of time to work it so their precious 1914 still fits.

    I don't see 1914 going anywhere anytime soon, but if it does I think their excuse is as straight shooter said, "Jayhoover has set a date"; you know blame God.

    This means they can change any date and say it fits with THEIR prophecy; if we don't like it then we are being impatient sorry little ingrates.


    Conan The Barbarian That's a very fancy title but it takes more than that to scare a real gladiator. Welcome to the forum.

    "I expect a serious decline in membership, at least in the western world."

    I see the logic but most Jehovah's Witnesses take 10 years to change direction. Most will hang on to their life raft and hope to god that it all works out - in the end.

    Beware of false prophets, men who come to you dressed up as sheep while underneath they are savage wolves. You will recognise them by the fruits they bear. Matthew 7:15, 16 – The New English Bible

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    it is a great excuse, no matter how wrong u are, u get to pull out the "God has a schedule in mind and it is not up to us to speculate or challenge such a date." Then it becomes the publisher with an issue.

    These guys never cease to amaze me, nor do the rank and file that just eats it all up

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    it is a great excuse, no matter how wrong u are, u get to pull out the "God has a schedule in mind and it is not up to us to speculate or challenge such a date." Then it becomes the publisher with an issue.

    These guys never cease to amaze me, nor do the rank and file that just eats it all up

  • rebel8

    But they had to be "at the age of reason" in 1914 so they could realize the world was different pre-Saaaatan.

    If you had a precocious 5-year-old (the youngest I've heard of the dubs baptizing), that kid is now 101. The youngest "that generation" could possibly be, even with the most generous estimate, is already over 100 years old.

    The 'generation that will not pass away' has already passed away.

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