Are major earthquakes on the increase??

by Vanderhoven7 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Vanderhoven7

    A JW writes as proof that 1914 is key...

    The NewEncyclopædiaBritannica (1987) lists 63 “Major historical earthquakes” spanning the past 1,700 years. Of this total, 27, or 43 percent, have struck since 1914. The book TerraNonFirma, by Professors Gere and Shah, has a list covering a longer period. Of the total “significant” earthquakes in that list, 54 percent have taken place since 1914. Even granting that records from past centuries are incomplete, we cannot escape the conclusion that in our time mankind has been greatly affected by earthquakes.

    Does anyone have access to the The NewEncyclopædiaBritannica (1987) or info that would either support or refute the above allegations.

  • slimboyfat

    The Watchtower itself now states that earthquakes are not on the increase. Whoever this JW is who is still arguing the opposite is guilty of peddling old light.

  • HintOfLime

    US Geological Survey:

    From the FAQ:

    From their historical records, it's clear that earthquakes continue to happen as they always have. Plate Techtonics is not a 'new phenomenon', and it's effects have been felt for hundreds of millions of years.

    The bible does not say there would be 'more' earthquakes - just that they would occur, which is about as shocking as saying "In the end, people will breathe in and out'. It's a "sign" designed to play on people's fears, while being potentially "seen" after every normally expected earthquake.

    - Lime

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Even granting that records from past centuries are incomplete, we cannot escape the conclusion that in our time mankind has been greatly affected by earthquakes.

    Strawman argument.

    First off, the statement is ambiguous and not quantifiable (plus, greatly affected maybe positively, as we developed more earthquake resistant technology).

    How we are affected by earthquakes is not an indicator of their frequency or distribution over time.

  • Larsinger58

    It doesn't matter anyway since "earthquakes" are a mistranslation/misunderstanding as one of the signs of the last generation.

    The Greek term seismoi translated "earthquake" can refer to social unrest and agitation, which is surely the context here. All the other signs involve people and social disturbances. Elsewhere this same term refers to a "tempest" at Matthew 8:24.

    So a really hard look at the fulfillment via "earthquakes" for this verse becomes problematic, compared to translating and understanding this reference in the social setting such "social unrest" in one place arfter the other, which was the context of post 1914/WWI world leading into WWII. "Social instabilities" would also be an appropriate translation.

    As many have noted, unless there was just an atypical increase in earthquakes so that it became exceptional, this would be a difficult fulfillment. "Social instabilities" in one place after the other is much more observable for this short period.


  • thetrueone

    The assertion that earthquakes effect more of the earth's human inhabitation is relevant

    not by the increase of earthquakes themselves but by the increase of human population growth throughout the world.

    Ask or inquire this suggested thought that earthquakes have increased in numbers since 1914 toward any major Geographical Institute

    and they will tell you nothing of the kind.

    Since in ancient times the Gods (all) were said to be the cause of earthquakes, it not surprising that the ancient Israelites

    thought that their god (Yahweh) was the cause of earthquakes, proportioned toward their beliefs and their own inherent ignorance.

    Unfortunately the WTS like so many times will twist information selectively to support their own doctrines and express

    an attitude toward intellectual dishonesty for the sake of supporting themselves and their own expressed doctrines.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Hmmm, the operative word for earthquake, seismoi is greek and the current "Social Instabilities" in Greece are a fact.

    The end must be near!

    We can spin it every which way, Lars...

  • poopsiecakes

    *pinches Yan*

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Simple Answer


  • thetrueone

    Remember Larsinger58 is Jesus the Messiah folks , so he can spin whatever he wants out the bible and we must accept it as nothing

    but the solemn Truth .

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