People coming in VS. People running out...

by Blind_Of_Lies 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blind_Of_Lies


    I completely agree with you there and have been waiting for that to happen, to the best of my knowledge it hasn’t *yet*. I would however like to know how they will rationalize calling their 7 million member strong CULT the “Greater Number” as they are a tiny minority of the overall population of the planet Earth as a whole and they are an even smaller minority if you break it down by country or region their numbers certainly represent a tiny percentage of the population…

    Now, I would actually interpret that scripture as “the greater number” being non-believers and the love of them dying off would indicate to me an increase in JW activity not a decrease. Obviously this won’t be interpreted the same way but that’s how I see it.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    I was one of the posters who mentioned the numbers from the two-day ass-em-bleed.

    Our circuit and district have been on a constant decline for decades; most baptisms are children with a few converts here or there.

    The last converts in our conned-green-nation were baptized last summer, the previous one's were over ten years ago and only one remains. The husband in this "new" couple is all ready starting a slow fade and his wife is trying, but I don't see her lasting a long time either.

    Out of all the kids I grew up with (approx. 20) only 6 remain and three of those, whether they believe or not, live double lives.

    So I have every reason to question WTBT$ statistics on growth; I truly believe someone's in the book kitchen doin' some cookin'.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    In the past year there are 5 who have walked away in the local congregation. There have been no baptisms that I know of.

  • tornapart

    Last assembly I went to, end of last year, had 3 baptised. Since then in our town alone I know of 3 who have da'd themselves.

  • dozy

    When I was baptised (at a circuit assembly) there must have been 15 people getting dunked at the same time. The last few assemblies that I went to , there were hardly any - once nobody. One one occasion during the baptism talk questions I had to hold the microphone for the only person , the one new sister that was getting baptised & it was obvious that she was , to put it kindly , a few pepperonis short of the full pizza. There certainly isn't any quality people coming in , and in no volume whatsoever. In fact , I wouldn't be surprised if the WTBTS scrapped the idea of having a baptism talk at the "Special Day" - it just doesn't make any sense any more.

    This is what I don't really understand - hardly anybody seems to be coming in - the older ones are dying off - most of the kids are drifting away when they get to 15 / 16 , people are leaving in small but growing numbers ( I heard again this week about a long standing elder & his family that have suddenly just stopped going ) & yet still the numbers (in the UK , at least) are flatlining. Is my maths wrong or what exactly is happening?

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    A look at the last two Yearbooks (2012, 2011) shows the number being baptised world wide is in decline:

    2010 (2011 YB) 294,368 baptised

    2011 (2012 YB) 263,131 baptised

    That means 31,237 FEWER baptised last year.


  • ziddina

    Bump! Interesting thread...

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    eventually they won't have any numbers, beyond zero, to fudge

  • Blind_Of_Lies

    I truly believe we are seeing the top floors of this house of cards begin to crumble. It is becoming ever apparent that people are leaving in droves the "young people" are abandoning ship. Once an establishment loses its children what else does it have?

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    I know of at least twenty who have either died or faded, multipule disfellowshipings are in a different catagory. The Circuit Assembly's Baptism Talk, is still performed even when there are no candidates, it's rather strange.

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