The TENSION of unbearable BELIEF

by Terry 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • neverscreamagain

    Notjustyet's comment was meant to be sarcastic and funny. On reflection though the damage done by Manson pales into insignifigance when compared to the global scope and ongoing damage continuing from a group of sociopathic kooks in Brooklyn.

  • moshe

    The Catholics don't have these problems of belief, Terry.

  • Larsinger58

    There is a tension to believing something that never seems to overlap with reality.

    I agree, but it is overlapping with reality big-time now. That is, for some of us who witnessed the 2nd coming in 1992. Others excluded from what is really going on are the ones having "tension", but not the elect at this point. We have the "reality" and the scripture harmonizing for us now so we are not tense, but very confident, reassured and relaxed.


  • baltar447

    Larsinger, please go take your meds.

  • moshe

    Harold Camping just officially retired (with a 100% failure rate) from Bibical pedictions at age 90, but some people never give up. As long as they have a calendar, they have predictions.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    In the case of wash-towel it's anxiety due to desperation; a lot of what was so solid for decades is now is crumbling.

    I don't think of it as simply waiting on a bus that never comes; that denotes the road and location are already there and the bus IS actually coming.

    I’d liken it more to a bunch of poor souls being told to wonder a dense forest, because, before you know it, there WILL be a city, roads, benches and a bus to come and whisk you away shortly.

    However, evidence is mounting that the promised free ride is never coming so they frantically try to keep R&F controlled all the while growing more anxious on how to do so.

  • tornapart

    Well, the WTS believe God is going to wipe out 6,993,000,000 people... that's just a few more than Manson...

  • thetrueone

    This portraying analogy of Charles Manson and the WTS. organization is bit to the extreme but one particular similar aspect

    you could point out is how one charismatic personality with a agenda to control people can have such a profound psychological

    effect on to people. Mason exploited the counter culture social atmosphere of the late 60's, to persuade people to keep within

    the family he was trying to create, as sort of safe haven for people against the eventual down fall destruction of society.

    Using elements of fear with sex, drugs and love he mentally manipulated those young impressionable girls for them to perceive him as

    their personal savior. Of course over time it was realized by them that it was Charles Manson who was the evil that they needed

    to be aware and protected from.

    For decades the WTS. has used similar tactics of fear to coerce people to join their organization because

    of a soon to come catastrophic event which will befall over mankind and the only way or chance to survive this destruction by the hand of god

    is to join their faith. Join the family of happy joyous survivors into a earthly paradise, there's little time left before the proverbial doors

    of the Ark are going to close and then no one will be allowed in.

    So you can see the faint similarities to how Manson created his devoted followers creating his family of devoted ones and how

    the WTS. created its family of devoted ones.

  • Magwitch

    "Jehovah's arm was being twisted. And, to bring it off, Franz used all of his considerable imagination and reputation to BUILD THE ARGUMENT behind Chronology and the worldwide effort to make 1975 THE TARGET YEAR."

    Interesting thoughts Terry. We know the writing dep't did a good job of blaming the lowly JW's for jumping ahead. It was all so nicely covered up and swept under the carpet but what do you think Fred really thought come 1/1/76?

  • glenster

    All due respect to the possibility of God and faith understood as such, I
    don't think the JWs leaders are examples of people who had Manson-like
    psychological problems, in their case leading them to screw up their understand-
    ing of the known things God is possible beyond.

    I don't think Popoff thought he was getting messages from Jesus through the
    radio reciever in his ear,

    I don't think Farrakhan is an actual bigoted religious zealot but a cynical
    businessman pandering to bigotry (a recent YouTube clip shows him giving easily
    debunked 9/11 truther claims to show what he called a trail to the temple of
    Satan, by which he meant a trail to the Jews) to sell tickets and literature,

    and I don't think the JWs leaders believe their effort to establish the
    exclusiveness of spokespeople for a literal 144,000--that the best evidence and
    reasoning supports their dozen or so distinctive claims, including predictions,
    about what outlooks the Bible requires for believers. That's when they misuse
    research books, omit pertinent evidence, mischaracterize opposing views, etc.,
    and most reliably provide the evidence for an expose.

    The more appropriately comparable psychological analysis isn't that of Manson
    but of Uri Geller using magic tricks to sell an act of paranormal powers, or
    that of Erich von Daniken in misusing research material to sell Chariots of the

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