What the devil is capable of

by StopTheTears 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Que Sera

  • NewChapter

    Que Sera

    OMG!!! That's exactly the answer they got! You must be psychic.

  • ziddina
    "ME TOO! But I was at a friends playing cars and worshipping Satan. But I'm absolutely available tonight! Yayyyyy...!!!! New Chapter


    How 'bout if I call you in about 45 minutes - an hour? I'm babysitting the neighbors' cats too, and so have more 'fur-babies' to care for tonight...

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    No...In real life...I am a red marble

  • NewChapter

    How 'bout if I call you in about 45 minutes - an hour? I'm babysitting the neighbors' cats too, and so have more 'fur-babies' to care for tonight...

    That works for me Zid.


  • ziddina

    Hee hee hee hee!!

    I am having some trouble tearing myself away - sitting here listening to some CLASSIC rock - The Doors and "Riders on the Storm", Eric Clapton's "Let it Rain"....

    Will talk to you in a bit...

  • mP

    Nothing, because he doesnt exist.

    Hes barely mentioned in the OT, with the book of Job the only place he even speaks. The Apple and the talking snake doesnt mention Satan, it says quite clearly the snake was talking. Snakes were magical back then. In the NT the only place he really talks is in the temptation of Jesus.

  • snare&racket

    All that just to say you smashed up a glass ball.

    There is no devil (the greatest trick of a christian leader is to convince his followers he DOES exist.)

    Google red crystal ball and look at the myriad of images that look like your ball.

    Since when did satan use text messaging? What was the number? Did you phone it?

    Do you work for the JW's.... I think you possibly do. If not you are here promoting some kind of faith, ironically using lies and ridiculous events.

    How many ghosts or demons or supernatural acts have YOU seen ? The day I asked myself that question, the reality set in. ZEEEROOOOO

  • jookbeard

    its not the Devil you need to worry about its those damn evil Smurfs

  • NVR2L8

    Somebody doesn't have their marbles....!!!!!!!!

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