what's this bull****?

by cellomould 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • cellomould

    from NYTimes on the web:

    Bush Proposing to Shift Burden of Toxic Cleanups to Taxpayers
    White House
    WASHINGTON, Feb. 23 — Faced with dwindling reserves in the huge account that gave the Superfund waste cleanup program its name, the Bush administration has decided to designate fewer sites for restoration and to shift the bulk of the costs from industry to taxpayers

    What's next? 'Bush Proposing to Shit on Taxpayers' Faces?'


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

  • Frenchy

    Do you honestly believe that giant corporations actually PAY for anything...ever?

    Whatever it costs for proper waste disposal, the cost of that will be added to the cost of production and the consumer (taxpayers) will not only pay the billion dollars but an additional 33% on top of that.

    It's how business is done.

  • DakotaRed

    Do you consider getting a blow job in the Oval Office as better for the country? Did you ever stop to think that taxpayers are already paying for all the clean-ups and some Liberal Elitest journalist is reporting in such a manner to make taxpayers believe they never were? The Government does not generate wealth and money. Every red cent they receive comes from taxpayers.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • wonderwoman77

    DR, getting a blow job in the oval office did not hurt our country, or should not have. That was a personal matter that got made public and it ridiculous to compare that the the ruining of the environment. Do you realize Bush could destroy so much of our natural resources. He is already working on destroying a beautiful lake in utah.

  • Francois

    Corporations DO NOT PAY TAXES. They NEVER have paid taxes. Corporations COLLECT TAXES FROM YOU and then forward these taxes to the government.

    Let's say you are a businessman. You make Platinum Plated Loblollies. Each one costs you $9.50 to make. The government taxes you $0.75 cents for each one you make. Now in order to stay in business, you have to have a certain profit on these Loblollies or you'll go under. You won't be able to afford to pay your employees, buy raw materials, plant equipment, transportation equipment, ANYthing. And that $0.75 cents the government taxes you eats up your profits and puts you in that situation I just described. What to do? PASS ON THE TAX to the consumer. So instead of the $9.50 plus five dollars profit you charge, you add the government's seventy-five cents and charge $15.25, and everyone's happy. You're happy; you got your margin and your profit from the consumer. The government's happy; it got it's seventy five cents. And you - you dumb fuck - are happy because you got your platinum plated loblolly for "only" fifteen and a quarter, and you "know it's a good deal" 'cause my TV advertising tells you that you did.

    It's one of the slickest shell-games going, this idea that corporations pay taxes. Don't be such a schmo. The government's the biggest goniff on the planet and you let the democrats make you believe the republicans are evil, wicked, mean, bad and nasty for wanting to reduce corporate taxes. THEY AIN'T PAYIN' ANY!!

    How long, O Lord, how long must I put up with this shit?


    NOTE TO GOVERNING BODY: You've been challenged to a debate, boys. Dont you have ANY balls?

  • larc

    I have an idea,

    Since we end up paying no matter how you slice it, how about if this was done. Eliminate all corporate taxes and income taxes and establish a federal sales tax. This would eliminate almost all of the IRS and all tax firms and consultants. That would save the country a ton of money and eliminate unnecessary work. Under this arrangement the rich would pay more because they buy more stuff. What do you think?

  • DakotaRed
    DR, getting a blow job in the oval office did not hurt our country, or should not have. That was a personal matter that got made public and it ridiculous to compare that the the ruining of the environment. Do you realize Bush could destroy so much of our natural resources. He is already working on destroying a beautiful lake in utah.

    How can you consider placing a blow job above national interests as not hurting the country? How can you condemn one single man, only if a Republican, for the entire country? The President is more of a figure head than many of you realize. The real power is in Congress.

    Do you also blame the Republicans for ruining beautiful Spirit Lake in May 1980 here in Washington State?

    If you really want an eye opener, read Al Gores "Earth in the Balance" where he claims the automobile is the single worst thing for the environment. Of course, everyone should curtail their use of them, all but him, that is.

    Some of you should pull your heads of the tree stumps you hug and see what the world is really like, not what a Liberal controlled media tells you it is like.

    Funny thing is, if it had been a Republican President getting a blow job in the Oval office, and it became public, would you bleeding heart Liberals be so quick to excuse it as a "personal matter?" Before you answer yes, think back to all the attempts to castigate Republicans for sexual misconduct charges. Or, have you all forgotten Bob Packwood of Oregon? All he did was try to kiss women, 25 years earlier and Democrites raised such a fuss, he was forced into resignation!

    The Liberal double standard smacks of the Watchtoweresque method of doing things, to me.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • wonderwoman77

    NO DR, I do not care who gets a blow job in the oval office. So what the president took a 10 minute break. How many breaks do you take in your work day? I do not think the blow job made or broke our country. Yes I am a liberal, but that is my opinion. Apparently you do not know what that is since you state your opinions like hard and fast rules. You are right many people including Al Gore say one thing and do another. I bet you do that at times.

    But yes, Bush ordered them to go and do oil drilling in this utah area and they are dumping all the stuff into what was a beautiful lake. I just read an article on it about 3 weeks ago. I agree congress is part of the problem and I did write a letter to my senator asking him to vote against the drilling in alaska. It is sick that some people do not give a shit about the environment as long as they get money.

  • ring
    It is sick that some people do not give a shit about the enviroment as long as they get money

    I agree with everything that Dakota Red has stated,does that
    mean I dont care about the enviroment? I have talked to
    you enoungh that you know I personally spend more
    more time in the "enviroment" than perhaps anyone else here
    on the board. Whenever I get into a debate with someone
    over the enviroment, especialy over my favorite issue, National
    Forrest usage and Wilderness I find that liberals have only
    ever heard one side of the issue.And that is always the one-sided
    view point of radical enviromentalists and media.I DO care about
    the enviroment but I also care about people and jobs.

  • DakotaRed

    The radical left and right factions do not realize that things can be balanced. Liberals say they are for all, but that is a joke. They are only for those who totally agree with them.

    You say you are concerned for the environment, then get rid of your car and your computer. Producing electricity cause pollution, as does driving your car.

    You say I state my opinions as a hard and fast rule? Buddy boy, you don't know a damn thing about me! Look back at your vitriolic posts and see who really states opinon as hard and fast rule and who attacks unmercifully anyone who dares disagree with your Liberal Elitist bullshit!

    For the record, I am neither a Liberal nor a Conservative, although I may tend to lean a bit more to the Conservative side. You Liberals like to talk of tolerance, but it is you who do not tolerate any disagreement. Everything in the whole damn world has to be to your liking. Yet, what do you all really do to set the example?

    So, step up and show me how it is done, Get rid of your car, house, computer and live under the stars. And, don't you dare chop down a tree to have a camp fire. Pollution, you know. And don't forget plastics either. After all, they too are a derivative of oil!

    While you are sitting under the stars freezing your ass off, why not start a campaign to exonerate Bob Packwood of any wrongdoing, since you don't care who gets a blow job. He didn't even get that, just tried to kiss some women, 20 or more years earlier. When he was told to stop, he did. But, the Liberals saw their opportunity to attack a Conservtive, and one that voted for each and every womens agenda there was, so they took it. Why? To load the Congress with more of their Liberal Elite assholes!

    I abandoned the Watchtower because of mind control and all I see are Liberals trying the same crap.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

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