Phone call from the local JWs this evening...

by Jim_TX 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • PaintedToeNail

    Kudos to you Jim, although they probably rushed to the bathroom to flush out their ears, then they congratulated themselves on winning the discussion.

  • aquagirl

    Wow,do they really do phone witnessing now?for real???I had no idea.I knew that hey count time for hospital visits,but on the phone?The mother ship's requirements are getting lax now,eh?

  • Jim_TX
    Wow,do they really do phone witnessing now?for real???I had no idea.I knew that hey count time for hospital visits,but on the phone?

    Yeah. They've been doing it for some time. I remember waaaay back when... the older 'infirm' ones usually did the calling. Nowadays though, it appears that a couple of JWs get to the KH and use the phone from there. (It showed up on the caller-id) Evidently it was an in-experienced fella, and a more experienced woman. (That sounds kinda bad... or kinky...)

    I wonder... I know that there was a man... and a woman... hmmm... there all alone??? (scandolous look)

    They've called here before - usually in the day time when no one was at home. Sometimes they leave a message... other times they do not.

    I am thinking that perhaps my phone number will go on the 'do not phone' list. (Deemunz and all...)


    Jim TX

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I'm glad I don't have a land line anymore

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I think you did a very good job. And chances are that there were 3-5 other pioneers there all counting their time.

  • exwhyzee

    You should have said

    "There's no way you can be one Jehovah's Witnesses ! Don't they pride themselves for being the only ones who go from door to door. They would never be stickin' up for Jesus over the phone like this....are you prankin' me ??? "

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I think you did well. I doubt I could have come up with anything better, especially when you're put on the spot like that.

    And I have a feeling your number might be struck off their list, haha!

  • scary21

    I think you did a great job too !

  • sizemik

    I think you did pretty well too Jim. It is tough being put on the spot . . . you have no idea of the subject matter or angle they have chosen.

    Some of the points you raised were thought provoking. The quip about counting time was a dead giveaway though . . . don't expect any "RV's" in the near future.

  • ohiocowboy

    Jehovah's happy people were probably calling from a Donut Shop, and all five of them (being Pioneers and all) were probably listening in so that they all could count the time!

    I think you did a good job considering the fact that you were caught off guard.

    Seems you've been getting all kinds of weird calls lately!

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