Aboriginal Australians Aren't Black?!

by Philadelphia Ponos 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sapphy

    It's true, we're all 'out of Africa'! - Even the neanderthals, apparently, who left earlier than Homo Sapiens.

    Anthropology is fascinating.

    I think the current thought is that Aboriginal people are more closely related to e.g the Sri Lankan Vedda people...


    ...than a modern day African person e.g. a Yoruba man:


    Just as a side point caucasian does not equal white person.

    Indians, Pakistanis, Afghanis, Iranians are all caucasian.

    Open to new light, of course.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Ahhhh. Thanks. Well that explains the provacative pictures.

    This is a sample of the "insight" that PP brings to this forum:


  • barry

    Some posters have said the Australian natives are originaly from africa which is very true. The african bushman are the same race as the Australian natives. There is a movie called "The gods must be crazy". which features these people. They have a very unique way of speaking by making a distinct clicking sound with their tongue.

    The bushman, some Indian people and Australian natives are all australoids not negro.

    Newchapter , The American Indians are 100% mongol. The mormon people might say they are caucasian to promote their theology. Genetic tests have been done to absolutely refute their claims.


  • NewChapter

    Barry--RACE is a social/political construct. My family IS Native American. I have recently done a lot of digging into our history. I have read years worth of census----they are listed as caucasian. Some of them are also on the Cherokee rolls. There is no such thing as a 'mongol' race---there is no scientific designation. Where does the 'mongol' race end and the 'caucasian' race begin? And who says so?

    Do people have lines drawn in the soil to designate what race would be born where? Do you think you come up to a line in the sand, and suddenly the skin goes from brown to white? Seriously? If you take people from opposite ends of the spectrum, perhaps you will see a greater difference. But if you travel throughout the continents, you won't find it. The change will be so gradual and subtle, that you will not get to draw your arbitrary line. The line is subjective and quite often political.

    Australia and the Americas were populated much later---so it is true that the gene pool from which their populations drew was smaller. But again--RACE? Well it just depends on how far back you are testing in that genetic history---as it all goes back to Africa. So at some arbitrary point, SOMEBODY decided, okay now this is 'mongol'. We won't go back any further than that.

    There is no such thing as 100% mongol.


  • Philadelphia Ponos
  • flipper

    " Aboriginal Australians Aren't Black ?! " Sigh. Another thread like this ? Someone set my hair on fire, O.K. ? It's like asking, " All Caucasians aren't Albino's " ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Philadelphia Ponos
    Philadelphia Ponos

    I understand race is a social construct and not scientific, but for the sake of my argument I'm defining "Black" as thoss who DNA most ressembles the first humans in Africa without the mutations we see in European and Asian countries. Also I see a few people saying that the Aboriginal Austrlians are related to Indians. I posted a link to an article dated in September 2011 that said through a DNA test it was showed that the Aboriginal Austrlians came out of Africa and traveld the land of Asia while Asia was still empty, therefore not mixing with any other group. There were mutilple DNA done test that lead to this conclusion.

  • mrsjones5

    So, what's the controversy?

  • botchtowersociety
    My impression is that the term "black" is most often used for people from sub-Saharan Africa or for decendents of people who were displaced or migrated from sub-Saharan Africa in the wake of the colonial period.

    Not even all the sub-saharans are "black." There are the Blacks, the Pygmies, and the Khoisans.

  • SixofNine

    Mongols are all just the worst room-devouring attention whores! We all agree on at least this, correct?

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