Do you think your marriage would have survived if it wasn,t for the borg?

by jam 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I would have never married my 1st wife if I wasn't a JW

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Tater Mom my still shuns me but well I shun her back now. She arranged the stupid marriage to begin with - to a kid a barely knew

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I've been happily married well over 40 years DESPITE the borg.

    The only arguments we ever have revolve around the borg. My wife is an uber-JW, this last few years I have discovered TTATT.

    The only reason I stay a JW is for my wife and to a lesser extent my family. She's a great wife and a great friend.


  • Morbidzbaby

    I never would have met him to begin with if it weren't for the JW's. Like Lady Lee, 2 weeks into our marriage I knew I had made a mistake. I called my mom crying and told her it was a mistake and I wished I hadn't done it. Even my dad had said as we were walking down the aisle "It's not too late to change your mind...we'll go in, have a nice dinner, and you don't HAVE to do this...". But, I thought this was the thing to do. We had already committed "fornication", though we didn't do EVERYTHING. So guilt as well as fear of disappointing people who were there pushed me into it.

    He was not a stellar JW by any means. In fact, he didn't get uber self-righteous until a year later. THAT is when the misery really started. The control, the fights, the belittling. Things seemed to get better for awhile, but then his family got involved and it disintegrated again. I was evil, I was the horrible unsubmissive wife, he needed to "put his foot down" with me. He did, alright. In the middle of a fight, he put his foot down right in the middle of my brand new stereo. He was violent with inanimate objects and with himself...cutting himself, biting himself, banging his head against the wall so hard that it would cut and bleed...and then blaming me, stating that I "set him off" and that I stressed him out so much he had nothing else to do but hurt himself. Granted, I was friggin' miserable! I was so depressed I found no joy in ANYTHING. The last half of our marriage, I spent being either pregnant or being postpartum for a few months before getting pregnant again. Instead of trying to understand my emotional pendulum and being there for me when I needed someone, it got turned around on me and I was called unappreciative, selfish, etc. I asked to get help, see a counselor, get medication to help with my severe depression. "We can't afford it, and I'm not going to go making another bill". Many times, suicide really seemed to be an option.

    So, I don't think that being out of the borg would have made our marriage survive. His views on life and how things should be were severely colored by his upbringing by people who were basically mentally ill. Whether or not he was a JW, he would have clung to any religion and been a fierce bible thumper who has completely puritanical views on sex and the role that a wife should play. To this day, I really can't stand reading the bible, specifically Proverbs...because I was always quoted to from it in a tone that suggested I was either causing the negative action that it was talking about, or I wasn't living up to the qualities that it stressed. So yeah...I fucking hate Proverbs.

    My partner now is everything my ex was NOT. He's everything I need, even if I didn't know I needed it. He handles my pregnant hormonal mood swings with grace and love and just lets me talk, even though I know what I'm saying and how I feel isn't making any sense lol. There is no control in this house. I can do what I want, listen to what I want, watch and read what I want... There is no "letting" me do anything. I make my choices as to what's right for ME. Sometimes it still seems so weird.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    No one wants to see their parents break up, but I don't think mine would still be married if my father wasn’t raised a JW and my mother wasn't still a JW.

    I know you can't possibly understand someone else’s relationship, but I'm close to both my parents and they are two of the most incompatible people I know.

  • Lozhasleft

    No I don't. We were living together and I'd decided not to marry him when I started studying. I was stupid enough to think that becoming a JW might make him a half decent guy. It didn't. He capitalised on all the ways to bring down women...and then the WTBS's influence kept me with him much longer than I would have stayed.

    My (atheist) husband now, on the other hand, is an absolute star, my soulmate. I'm still a theist and he calls me a 'god botherer' lol.

    So one dream came true at least.

    Loz x

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.


    Do you think your marriage would have survived if it wasn,t for the borg?

    I'm sorry 2 say ...........

    The only way MY marriage COULD of survived would've been the "BORG"

    She (Who Sinned LOL) wanted out but had "NO SCRIPTURAL MEANS" Left "Jehovah's Arrangement"

    Yet Her "Daddy" made it all go away.......... and his Grandkids????? Well You See... Your Daddy Loves Satan/// so how do we feel about Satan?

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    I know of dozens of marriages that are not JWs that have stayed intact. However, over the years I’ve known of dozens of JW marriages that have broken up; some remarried only to break-up again. So much for happy family life in the borg!

    As for my union, odds are good that my marriage (no credit due the JW religion) is here to stay!

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