Candace Conti - Consequence for Elders

by The Searcher 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • flipper
    SUBYTREK- I admire the hell out of you for your decision to step down as an elder. Good for you- a man with ethics and principles. Congratulations ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
  • flipper

    As regards the opening thread- I DO feel like some others here that WT legal will craft a letter to the elders indicating tighter restrictions regarding pedophiles going out in field service. I don't know what those restrictions may be- it might be that pedophiles are ONLY allowed to work with elders out in the field service.

    But here's the point- since 99 % of these child molesters keep abusing again - if a JW child molester wants to go out in service in private - what's to prevent him from doing so from his own house in a secret fashion ? It would be a very hard thing to police. I mean Kendrick snuck off and did it straight from the kingdom hall parking lot ! Taking Candace Conti with him back to his house. WT Society would have to institute a system in place to guard these pedophiles virtually 24 /7. And honestly- I just don't think WT Society leaders CARE that much, if not at all. Money is the prime concern.

    It will be interesting to see if the WT leaders are reactive to this negligence court judgment and see what, if anything - they do

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro
    I agree Flipper, it seems like they could at least say that a molester is not eligible to go out in service or recognized as publisher. That way, if the individual did try something on his or her own, they could use that as a defense. Remember, it's not about protecting kids or the public, it's about protecting the WTS bottom line. They honestly don't care what happens to anyone in the local congregations.
  • New day
    New day

    I resigned as an elder some months ago for different reasons, it didn't have anything to do with possible legal issues for elders, but glad that I am not on that treadmill anymore. I agree with subytrek that it all takes too much time away from family. I think the words an elder's wife most fears at the end of a meeting are "sorry but we have to have a quick meeting." An hour later, maybe two hours later she is still cooling her heels, pretending to be self sacrificing as she freaks out internally with the stress of waiting yet again for her husband as he discusses something apparently so super important that it must be done RIGHT NOW.

  • ToesUp

    I remember, as a kid, waiting for my Dad to come out of an Elders meeting. Sometimes past 11pm. Back in the old days, most families only drove 1 car & Mom stayed home with the kids. Now days...a different story. If you have kids in public school, they pile on the homework and projects. Meeting nights are a whole new story when you have kids in middle/high school. Very stressful on the kids.

    I admire Elders who step down to spend more time with the family. You can't go back and do it over. You get 1 shot to raise your kids. Enjoy them!

    You can tell the Elders who won't or can't step down. Take a look at their wives faces. They looked pissed.

  • flipper

    TOESUP- Me and my mom went through the same thing you did as a kid waiting past 11:00 P.M. after meetings for my dad to get out of elders meetings. One time when I was about 8 years old- I got so tired of trying to stay awake that I fell asleep on the Kingdom hall steps going up to the stage. My mom had been waiting in the car - and not until my dad drove home with my mom did they realize that they had locked the kingdom hall and left me sleeping alone on the steps inside the Kingdom hall- they forgot to load me into the car !

    So they went back to the Kingdom hall and picked me up and found me still asleep on the stage steps ! Thank god I didn't wake up or I would have felt I was dead in hell - or something in the dark. Shows you how much my elder dad had on his mind when he didn't even realize his own son was missing on the way home from a meeting ! LOL. Fortunately I've recovered in my adult life

  • Sofia Lose
    Sofia Lose

    Any change for the better is welcomed at this time. Surely the Org will find a way not to be shelling out so much cash in lawsuits due to their negligence.

    It would be excellent if any abuser, sexual, physical or otherwise would be publicly censured and then a talk would follow that would give all paying attention the reason and heads up to guard themselves from this dangerous individual.


  • violias

    I think the only reasonable and safe response the wts and boe could have is to NOT allow minors ( under 18) to work with anyone but parents or family members. That would be how I would want it if I was on the boe . I would just limit who could work with minors to family.( as long as family weren't know pedos'

    I knew in the mid 80's this day was coming and the wheels of justice are slow but it has arrived. I wouldn't be an elder for love nor money.

    Further I do not know how registered sex offenders can go in field service b/c of the limitations of distance from children. How???

  • fastJehu

    They can't do this. No single brother would then go with an elder into field service any more.

    All the brothers would be afraid, that the cong or the field servce group would think - he is a pedo.


    As regards the opening thread- I DO feel like some others here that WT legal will craft a letter to the elders indicating tighter restrictions regarding pedophiles going out in field service. I don't know what those restrictions may be- it might be that pedophiles are ONLY allowed to work with elders out in the field service.

  • Vidiot

    fastJehu - "They can't do this. No single brother would then go with an elder into field service any more. All the brothers would be afraid that the cong or the field servce group would think he is a pedo.."

    Very astute.

    I'm sure that thought had occurred to the WTS, also, and as such, was taken into consideration whilst crafting their policy of confidentiality.


    There's another, darker possibility, too...

    ...that - if accused/alleged/confirmed JW sex offenders' identities were make common knowledge amongst the R&F - thousands of Witness parents might find themselves unable to locate an offender-free congregation to transfer to, and subsequently stop attending all together (and thusly, stop donating time and money).


    Every authoritarian regime fears a mass exodus, even ones who aren't in danger of experiencing one.

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