Candace Conti - Consequence for Elders

by The Searcher 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Bodies of Elders around the world will soon (TM) receive a nicely worded letter from the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, telling them that local Elders are now responsible for ensuring that no perverts are allowed to be alone with any children on any kind of Witness business, otherwise, the BoE will be accountable to the courts - not the Org!

    However, if the Elders are aware that Bro. & Sister Oblivious sometimes ask Bro. Pedro File to baby-sit for them, then the Elders can have a clear conscience by keeping silent!

  • _Morpheus
    I understand that your main point was to highlight that nothing will change with regard to informing the congregation of a child rapiest in their midst, and i agree that will not change, but i also dont think there will be a letter informing elders of their personal responsibility or to avoid putting a pedophile with child for any sort of congregation buissnes. The reality is that policy already exsists and they wouldnt want to scare elders into not serving by highlighting potential legal ramifications. They also will take into account that the secretary in the condi case didnt follow their directions by infoming the next congreation that he was pedo. As sad as it is this case alone wont prompt changes in the ivory tower but her win prompts others to come forward then the repition and contiuned bad pub may get through to them
  • DJS

    The lawyers on both sides are likely now controlling responses. The Dark Lords will act like the End of Time cult leaders they are: reactionary, paranoid and myopic. Whatever they do will almost certainly be guided by WT legal. In the same manner, there are likely many similar cases in the queue that have waited anxiously for the Conti case to run through the review process so that they can craft their own effective strategies.

    The cases coming next will seek to address any weaknesses in the Conti case. And so it goes.

  • done4good

    This will change policy, even if not immediately.

    The legal precedent has at least been set for other cases like it, to come forward.

    This is a marathon, not a sprint. Social evolution takes time.


  • Heaven

    The legal precedent has at least been set for other cases like it, to come forward.

    The Zalkin Law Firm reports they have a number of cases in the pipeline. Botchtower is about to get hammered.

    The Borg's typical response is to deflect responsibility. Any elder aware of these types of issues would be wise to step down. I am so glad my Dad is out of this crap now.

  • sir82

    Yep, I expect to see a BOE letter by the end of the month. Lawyers are undoubtedly hashing out the details now.

    I would to see the lovely shades of purple in TMIII's neck veins as he confers with the legal dept., realizing that the "glorious ones" are being humbled by a (yeech!) apostate (blargh!) woman.

  • Oubliette

    It would seem likely that the WT leadership will shift the onus onto local elders.

    Maybe they'll actually adopt the policy Allen Shuster claimed in his testimony exists.

    One response would be to adopt the policy that known pedophiles cannot participate in Field Service at all, ever. I don't see them doing this, but it is one way to handle the problem.

  • nicolaou

    The first time an individual elder is successfully sued into bankruptcy the drain will begin. Who be an 'appointed man' now?!

  • ToesUp

    I wonder how many of the Current Elders feel the pressure of legal responsibility they will soon take on. I wouldn't want to be an Elder just for the legal ramifications.

    Elders + pissed off JW's ='s law suits. Their "organization" won't be around to assist (just around to collect the donations). They will be long gone. Elders will be on their own.

    What a "loving" organization, huh?

  • subytrek
    Once I found about Candace Conti and after the last Elder School in 2012 that still said that there had to be 2 witnesses to child abuse when I was hoping they would change that policy I resigned since I started realizing I didn't want to be held legally responsible plus it just took too much of my time away from my family. I'm glad I'm not an elder anymore.

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