I Want Your Prediction: Who Will Be The Republican Nominee & Will He Beat Obama?

by minimus 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • botchtowersociety

    LOL! Santorum wants to police everyone's bedroom.....he prefers to do it in a "bedroom cop" outfit.

  • Bangalore
  • dog is god
    dog is god

    I think Ru Paul should run!!!!

  • shepherd

    In politics even a week is a long time. But if I were to make a prediction I would say that Obama will win. Unless something dramatic happens to change the political landscape, no current Republican frontrunner has what it takes to win.

  • james_woods

    Well, it looks like the Romney train is still on track.

    The most interesting thing was that 54% of Democrats who voted in the Michigan primary - - - wait for it - - - voted for Santorum!!!

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what THAT was all about - they wanted to derail the Romney train.

    Of course, Santorum did a robocall to them to encourage this - but in the end, it simply didn't work.

  • minimus

    Romney is this week' front runner. Next week is it Newt's turn?

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