Africa Investment Summit 2012 and Watchtower

by TJ Curioso 8 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • TJ Curioso
    TJ Curioso

    Over the next 19 days , 20 and 21 March 2012 , at One Whitehall Place ( London) , a meeting will take place for large fund investors . This meeting will target investment on the African continent in real estate , alternative energy , infrastructure , " hedge funds " , commodities , venture capital , foreign exchange market , etc ...
    Africa Investment Summit 2012 , is the name of the conference.

    Guess who will be represented there? No less than two representatives of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Britain: the Secretary Treasurer and Financial Advisor.

  • TJ Curioso
    TJ Curioso

    I forgot to put a title in this post.

    Maybe a moderator can help me. The title is:

    Africa Investment Summit 2012 and Watchtower

  • Anne Marie 1925
    Anne Marie 1925

    The following is from the book, The Armageddon Cult, by ex presiding overseer of Jehovah's Witnesses, (publised in 2000), Daniel LeEarl Hall:

    "The Watchtower Society has always claimed that Russel financed the entire operation (of the Watchtower) from the sale of his clothing stores. But other works state that he simply closed the stores. The American Encyclopedia of Biographies, 1968, states, 'Russell sold shirts to make a living until he got his first congregation.' The Russell family were likely wiped out by the Great Potato Famine o 1845 in Ireland. Destitute, the Russell family and one-eighth of the Irish People left Ireland, most of them coming to America. The didn't close the clothing stores until 1883. (1870 Census of Pittsbugh, Ward 4, page 98)

    "Uncovered documents, and a court case in Switzerland, prove that Russell was successful in his effort to gamin Jewish financial backers. He was financed by wealthy Masons and Jews, in particular, the Rothschild's, through B'nai B'rith, (a secret Zionist organization), and other prominent individuals who may control the Watchtower Society to this day. (Old German Fracture Newspaper, 1922. See Appendix C.) Early Watchtower articles spoke of the large world tours by Russell and his giving away millions of dollars worth of literature. The Watchtower Society distributed a Yiddish periodical, Di Stemme, for free. Neither the Watchtower Society nor Russell had tthe funds to do this. The January 1, 1911 Watchtower, page r, says the distribution was aided 'by Jewish journals interested in the message.'

    "Some may wonder why the Rothschilds' and Jewish organizations would support Russell and the early Watchtower Society. Here are some of the reasons:

    1) They were both Jews, and many in the Jewish organizaitons were also Masons.

    2) They were both Zionists. Russell wrote letters from Palestine to Baron Rothschild in regard to his Zionist ideas. Russell was still preaching his Zionist message on June 12, 1911 in St. Louis, Missouri; 'Zionism, The Hope of the World.' (Mormonism & The Magic World View, pg. 209; TheWatchtower & The Masons, pg. 177)

    3) The Watchtower was built upon Masonry, the Old Testament, and Isaiah 43:10. It is, just like Masonry, Judaism restored, with all the rules and regulations of Judaism. It functions today under the standards of the Old Law Covenant.

    4) The Watchtower demoted Jesus and attacked Christianity from its very inception, but never attacks masonry or modern-day Judaism." (to be continued...)

  • Anne Marie 1925
    Anne Marie 1925

    coninuing from "The Armageddon Cult"...

    "Illuminati families do not care about the beliefs of religions or organizations they intertwine with. In Rusell's case, the Rothschilds had community, as both were Jews and Zionists. However, the Rothschilds, one of the worlds richest families, are not Orthodox Jews or Christians, and are financially involved with the Roman Cathoilic Church, the Russian Orthodox Chruch, Jewish Synagogues, the World Council of chruches, Federal Council of Churches of Christ, the National Council of Chruches, the Mormon church, and mumerous major Protestant denominations. (The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, pg. 497; The Occult Philosophy, pg. 82; Mormonism and the Magic World View, pg. 142; Bloodlines of the Illuminati, pg. 335-360; The Illuminati Formula, C. Wheeler)

    "These organizations provide for the free movement of billions dollars, without taxes or government intervention.

    "The Watchtower Society has an annual meeting, and people attend as 'proxies' for others. Who are these members? Here is a picture of this event: (unable to scan photo of event which looks much like an average Circuit Assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses)

    (Shown in attendance:)

    "Lloyd Barry, Govening Body member and Rhodes scholar, presided at many of these (annual financial meetings) until his death in 1999. Rhodes was was a prominent Freemason, and the Rhodes program is only for Masons, designed to train them in the furtherance of Masonic goals.

    "Who controls the three newly-formed corporations, The Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, The Religious Order of Jehovah's Witnesses, and the Kingdom Support Services? And who controls the New Youk, Pennsylvania, England, Canada, The WTBTS of New Jersy and Florida, The Valley Farms Corporation, and the 100 subsidiary corporations operating under the Watchtower Society?

    "Researchers claim that prominent Masons and Illuminati own the Watchtower Society, having financed it from its very beginning, and not only make billions, but pass billions of dollars through it, undetected and untouched.

    "According to the court case of 'Russell vs. TheEagle newspaper, the Watchtower Society has always used 'dummy' corporations, such as the Tower Publishing Co., to siphon off money, buy properties, and developement schemes. Tow of those were named in the court testimony as The US Investment Co., LTD. and the United Cemeteries Corporation. (Visions of Glory, by Barbara Harrison) It is claimed by one writer that the reason Russell had such connections was that the Russell family and his wife's family were part of the Illuminati bloodlines. (Bloodlines of the Illuminati)

    "The book, Bloodlines of the Iluminati, on page 132, has a picture of Brigham Young wearing his Masonic pin. Most, if not all, of the Mormon Church leaders and Mormon Apostles have been Freemansons. Bill Schnoebelem, a former Illuminati, stated that he was required to become a Mormon in order to progress in the Illuminati. Early Bible Students also wore Masonic pins with thecross and crown.

    "The question arrises at this point: What has the Watchtower Society and the Mormon chruch said about Freemasonry over the years?

    "In his early sermons, Russell made many references to Masonry, none of them derogatory. An analysis of those early sermons shows them to be pruely 'Masonic' sermons with a touch of Christianity. While the Watchtower Society has railed against the Christian Churches, lambasting them, and prophesying their destruction at the hands of God in every book and magazine for 120 years, they have NEVER made one statement of any consequence against the occultic order of Freemansonry!

    "In Russell's early sermons, he referrred to his 'Mason Brothers,' and the International Bible Students as 'the highest order of Masonry.'

    "I believe (author speaking) this explains the occultic subliminal pictures in many of the Watchtower Publications. (Unable to scan photos of examples) Sadly, neither have some of the Christian Churches taken a stand against the occultic aspects of Freemasonry. One of the reason is that, even like most Masons, they don't know anything about the origins, practices, or goals of Masonry.

    "These revelations explain whay so many things are wrong with the Watchtower Society, including the laguage that the use..."

    (quotation taken from "The Amageddon Cult," by Daniel LeEarl Hall, pages 82-84)

  • jwfacts

    Do you have a link to where the images are from for the investor summit?

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    JWFACTS - there are links on the titled thread

  • just Ron
    just Ron

    A direct link to the list would be nice I have not located it yet.

  • marriedtoajw

    Very interesting read... Tracing the modivations of the WTBTS for such Anti-Christendom stands has lead me to be more open to the Freemasonry, Illuminati connection. As many of you may know, the founding fathers and business leaders of our country were Masons and with all the talk of a "New World Order" and similarities in the hope of "The New System" that JW's have seem pretty creepy to me. I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but.... Weelll, I don't know sometimes...

  • Anne Marie 1925
    Anne Marie 1925

    page 80:


    1) Babylonian and Egyptian mystery cults

    2) Cabalists mystery religion

    3) Gnostics mystery religion (secret knowledge)

    4) Alchemy (Pre-Islamic sorcery)

    5) Assassin cult (first mind-control cult)

    6) Templars

    7) Rosicrucians

    8) Ignatius Loyola and the Jesuits

    9) Masonry; operative and speculative

    10) Grand Orient of France

    11) Fusion of the Twin Pillars

    12) Modern Freemasonry

    "There are five stages of Occultic and Satanic progression in Masonry:

    1) Adoption-Fellowship with Lucifer

    2) Illumination-Lucifer initiation

    3) Conversation-Communion with the dead

    4) Congress-Marrying with the dead

    5) Union-Perfect possession by Lucifer

    "When an individual progresses into these levels, he becomes involved with blood rites and sacrifice, and, believe it or not, child molestation and child sacrifice. (Exposing the Illuminati From Within by Bill Schnoebelem, former member of the Illuminati)

    "According to Albert Mackery in the Masonic Encyclopedia, Masonry claims that its founding fathers are" Tubalcain (from the accursed lineage of Canaan, Nimrod, Hiram, the King of Tyre, and Hiram Abif. In addition, prominent members over the years were men like Jacques DeMolay, Leister Crowley (two of history's most sadistic sexual perverts), Dr. Theodore Reuss, Albert Pike, and Alex Sanders, all of whom were Satanists, deeply involved in the occult. In addition, Albert Pike, leader of Merican Masonry, wa the originator of the Ku Klux Klan. His counterpart in Europe, Giuseppi Mazzini formed the Italian Mafia, an acronym for "Mazzini Autorizza Furti, Incendi, Avvelenamenti (Mazzini authorizes thefts, arson, and poisoning.) What can we expect from a secret society of such men? (Masonry, Beyond the Light, pg. 192)

    "...I feel it is important to understand the degree of Freemasonry's UNCHRISTIAN and ANTICHRIST position. In my research (the author's) I read books and articles which claimed that the name of Jesus Christ is not to be spoken in Masonic meetings. (Masonry, Beyond the Light, pg 130) One writer even claimed that Masonic books do not contain the name. I was able to locate the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Revised Edition 1, 1924, compliled by Albert G. Mackey, a 33rd degree Mason, and published by the Masonic History Company. this encyclopedia contains numerous pages under the name 'Jehovah' and extensive information under the name 'Hiram Abif,' who is the Masonic messiah. THERE IS NO LISTING, WHATSOEVER, UNDER THE NAME JESUS, JESUS CHRIST, or YESHUA!

    "This secret anitichrist organization has permeated our entire society. (Author then showed numerous Masonic symbols that he found on businesses even in his hometown of Walnut Grove, and nearby Courtland, California, which I am unable to scan for this site)

    "...The problem is that over 99 percent of all Masons, even many high-ranking ones, have no idea what Freemasonry is all about. On the surface it seems like a wonderful philanthropic organization with a lot of nice people in it. That's the way I (the author) felt about the Watchtower until I was forced to investigate it. If you involved with any exclusive fraternity, society, club, organization, or church, just CHECK IT OUT; but not by reading its own literature.

    "Freemasonry has 'spawned,' literally been the 'mother' to, many occultic and mystical religions such as Rorsicrucianism, Mormonism, christian Science, Jehovah's Witneses, the Wiccas, and hundreds of less-known groups. In addition, the 'Shriners' are the Muslim branch of Freemasonry. These groups are the 'daughters' of Freemasonry. (Revelation 17:5)

    "The Watchtower Society and Mormon Chruch were built upon a Masonic foundation, becoming other secret societies, with the same false claim of being 'Christian,' as Masonry. There are also financial connections..." (And then it goes on into the beginning quote from the same book.)

    (Quotes taken from, "The Armageddon Cult," by Daniel LeEarl Hall, pages 80-82)

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