Awake! April 2012 - cover

by processor 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • processor

    The original title is "SECRETS OF Successful Stepfamilies"

  • designs

    They're really Mormons.

  • elderelite

    Ohhhh!!! Thank you processor! It actually makes sense now! The mom and youngest are now joined to the father and his two, they look seperate to show whos who in the blended family and the different dress from the youngest is to indicate he in fact NOT an a publisher. The mother was married to an ubeliever who left her over the cult and they are now trying to raise him in paths of uprightness. It also explains the sons freaky desire to look exactly like his father.... Damn they knew what they were doing with that picture after all.... Sigh...... It will convey exactly what they want it to too the membership..... Damn them.

  • Quandry

    Ah, bunch in a glass vase, along with two other full smaller containers. Then there is a three-tiered dessert stand thingy, a lovely tablecloth, and the picnic basket on the ground.The mother is dressed so nicely, and all are smiling.

    Used to, I'd look at these type of pictures and feel so inadequate. This woman was able to get up early in the morning, get her bookbag ready, then make delicate dessers, put together flowers, make the lunches, and have it all ready so that the family could "enjoy" field service first, then go to a picnic, and still be clean in a white skirt. I actually tried to imitate, as best I could, the pictures like this on the covers of the magazines.

    I have been "out" now for over six years, and have worn a dress or skirt only a very few times.

  • designs

    Finally after ridding themselves of their worldy mates two pioneers seal their secret love, the step children are coping.

  • WTWizard

    First, I will throw that right back in their faces. How often do they sacrifice personal things like recreation or opportunities to earn more money, learn a skill, or simply take care of household needs for boasting sessions and field circus? Remember, Jesus' sacrifice was supposed to be a perfect and complete sacrifice, and nothing was supposed to need be added. Nothing! Every time someone sacrifices recreation, work, or relaxation time for boasting sessions or field circus, or missionary work, they are effectively adding to that sacrifice! Either they lack faith that Jesus' sacrifice alone is supposed to be enough, or the whole thing is nothing but a scam.

  • EntirelyPossible

    I would guess the girl is setup to be the wife's daughter. Same hair, style of dress, and the picture is showing her gettings along with her step-father who will eventually do all he can to "accidentally" see her naked and rub one out in the shower every morning after pioneer mom gets over the rush of having a JW husband and the step brother she will eventually eventually start sleeping with after she has started doing drugs, turning goth-lite/emo and letting her step-father "accidentally" see her naked because she sees her JW mom and an inadequate sex-less shrew that makes all of them unhappy and is thrilled that an older man wants her and she fantasizes that he will know what to do with her instead of the fumbling convenient step brother that seems to be the only boy she knows with enough balls to try to cop a feel.

  • TOTH

    I always thought th wt depiction of a happy family looked so fake. I never knew a jw family that was TRULY happy. Most of them were put-ons showing us all their BIG FACE while miserable at home.

  • Heaven

    Uh, where's the cooler? If I'm picnicing, I want serious food and drink. C'mon!

  • designs

    If they engage in Picnicing more than twice a year they'll be counseled on it....

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