God –v– religionists –v– atheists/agnostics –v– believers

by Fernando 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Fernando

    An effort at a summary... Still learning about Atheists/Agnostics and what they believe at this point on the journey...

    The "god of religion"EmbraceRejectReject
    Supremacist, SectarianEmbraceRejectReject
    Self-righteousness via:EmbraceRejectReject
    - Legalism (rules)EmbraceRejectReject
    - Moralism (moral code)EmbraceRejectReject
    - Ethnocentrism (doctrine)EmbraceRejectReject
    - Gnosticism (knowledge)EmbraceRejectReject
    The "God of Abraham"Reject/UnfamiliarUnfamiliarYield, Embrace
    Egalitarian, InclusiveReject/UnfamiliarImprovedYield, Embrace
    The gospel of grace:Reject/UnfamiliarUnfamiliarYield, Embrace
    - IMPUTED righteousnessReject/UnfamiliarUnfamiliarYield, Embrace
    - IMPUTED holinessReject/UnfamiliarUnfamiliarYield, Embrace
    - IMPUTED sinlessnessReject/UnfamiliarUnfamiliarYield, Embrace
    - IMPUTED perfectionReject/UnfamiliarUnfamiliarYield, Embrace
    - IMPUTED eternal lifeReject/UnfamiliarUnfamiliarYield, Embrace
    - Faith & SpiritualityReject/UnfamiliarUnfamiliarYield, Embrace

    Would love to compare various perspectives whether similar or not...

  • poopsiecakes

    I kinda disagree with Atheists/Agnostics being unfamiliar with anything in this list. How do you define 'familiar'? If it's another word for 'belief' then yes, it's unfamiliar. I see unfamiliar as meaning a lack of knowledge and most Atheists/Agnostics have a very familiar knowledge of everything there - they've just learned through logic and critical thinking that there's nothing, or nothing proveable, there to believe in to begin with.

  • Tater-T

    @ poopsie..

  • poopsiecakes

    Hey Tatertot!

  • NewChapter

    I don't understand the chart. I don't even understand what it means that the god of Abraham is rejected by Religionists and embraced by Believers.

    Hi poopsiecakes/wifey poo. How ya doin'? Hi tater gater.


  • poopsiecakes

    Hey wifey!

  • Tater-T

    hey!! I saw this chart early on didn't understand or get what post was about.. but poopsie's right atheist are pretty much familiar with everthing..

    @fernando.. try watching the show 'Closer to Truth' it's a PBS program i love that exsplores, cosmos consciousness and god.. it's been great for me.. here's a link



  • HintOfLime

    Wasn't there recently a poll where it turned out athiests knew more about the bible and religion than the majority of Christians? (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/28/us/28religion.html?src=me&ref=general)

    I'd hardly call that 'unfamiliar'.

    - Lime

  • NewChapter

    I've even had people on this board get exasperated with bible facts I've brought out---telling me the bible didn't say that. I've had to post chapter and verse.


  • snare&racket

    Read the Pew Forum on Reigion & Public Life 2012. The most knowlegable in religious teachings of all demographics ?

    Yeah sorry to annoy you, its obviously a survey with satanic bias..... it was the atheists and agnostics. To you that may be confusing, to me it makes perfect sense.. and here is the issue.. PERSPECTIVE.

    Firstly, atheist is a religious term. There is no word for people that dont believe in unicorns and fairies. Also how much info do you have on Zeus? Do you believe in Zeus? Do you think that everyone that does not believe in Zeus has the same knowlege that you do on Zeus?

    Religion puts people in boxes, much like your awful chart. If you are a JW you dont believe in evolution because that has been dictated to you. Sorry to make things a little complex for your box of generalisations, but when you leave religion (call it atheism/agnosticisim if you wish) you are free to know and believe what you wish.... scary hey... all that freedom.

    I have never been so informed in al my life (I suggest a trip to google scholar if this appeals to you, but be weary much effort is required, it is very easy, I mean lazy, to let other people think for you..) I get all my knowlege from the sources themselves, no brooklyn filter required.

    So as you can see, two JW's fit nicely into a box..... two atheists would not share a box, they would walk freely between the boxes arguing with all the people in the boxes. Peering over the box lid "hey buddy... what you doing ? Are you worshiping HIM ?.... you know he is based on a mesapotanian myth right?" and.... "hey you guys, stop handing out those magazines, did you know that the factory that made them has just been fined for dumping toxic waste in a water drinking source?"..... etc etc....

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