Give Some Logical Points To Prove That JWs Do Not Have The Truth

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • xelder

    Poopsie...this is what I respect about science. Gravity, Orbits, Plate Tectonics, etc are all open to revision. All can discuss and modify and at worst, get laughed at. Religion needs to operate like science, with a modest respect of the unknown. Reality and Truth are sometimes out of sight (for now)

  • wannabefree

    Give Some Logical Points To Prove That JWs Do Not Have The Truth

    Better yet, have JW's give some logical points that they do have "The Truth", it will use up much less of valuable life time.

  • frankiespeakin
  • undercover

    have JW's give some logical points that they do have "The Truth"

    Good point. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. The burdon of proof is on the one making the claims. Instead of a doubter proving that JWs don't have the "truth", JWs (or any other religion) have to prove they do. Until they can, they don't...

  • Celestial

    Scientific truth consists of the natural world of physical objects and bodies governed by causal laws, the world we perceive with our senses and can study by rational methods.

    Most major religions (including Jehovah's Witnesses) believe in the existence of a supernatural realm, a realm beyond the natural world. The notion of the supernatural isn't incompatible with the objectivity and regularity of nature as identified by reason and scientific logic. But to some extent, there is no credible evidence of miracles, magic, or other supernatural phenomena in nature.

    The religion of Jehovah's Witnesses rests on the premise that the Bible is supernatural phenomena, the inspired word of God, a miracle.

    This draws into question what you experienced as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Was it all just what was on printed page or was there something else to the religion.

  • Ucantnome

    I dont think that they have the correct understanding of Romans 6:7

    I don't think that you are justified by your death.

  • leavingwt

    In the year 1850, where was God's Organization? (Cuz, we know he always had one, right???)

  • tornapart

    Luke 21:8 'Many will come on the basis of my name saying 'I am he' and 'the due time has approached' (other versions 'the time is at hand').. do not go after them!'

    One book was called 'The Time is at Hand'... another 'God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years has Approached'... and of course the endless warnings about how close the end is...

  • thetrueone

    In a very defining way the WTS. are the ones described exactly in the bible, a n irony in itself.

    The only difference one could easily see is that the WTS. is a commercialized false prophet, operating a publishing house.

    Among the many others that are out there in the public.

  • baltar447

    Whats the 1992 date about???

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