***AN EXPERIENCE !!! ***

by zev 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • zugzzwan

    Well I got to give it to you, that is one great letter!

    Well written and pointed, thanks for posting I enjoyed reading. But what ever happened with the situation with your wife? Did she calm down?

  • Gozz

    Dear Zev,

    that should set them thinking, if they're not Jehovah's Witnesses at heart. But don't forget Dino's link: http://www.unhchr.ch/udhr/materials/articles.htm It should be on your site too.

  • zev


    the situation is.....

    she is a die hard dub. above all she put "jehovahs organization" above her marriage. so i left her to her dreams and asperations of "gods organization".

    your knew, and you may not know the whole deal, but this type of situation, i have found is not unusual. break ups of marriages happen sometimes when "awakened" ones leave the 'organization".

    believe me, when i tell you, i am much better off now.

    the situation between her and i was not good at all.

    only after i was gone, did i really see how bad it was.

    i was "born again" and rediscovered life, at 40 years old.

    and, its all been good

    Learn about the Wtbts and the U.N.
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  • waiting

    Hey zev,

    Good letter - shows a tremendous amount of effort, as it reads well. I'm glad your ideas concurred with jt's.

    I think I'll continue to sit back and be a "JW in Good Standing, inactive." I won't allow them to openly slander me to my family - and some jw's still come by my store. Sometimes we just chat - at other times - I get a word in out of the ordinary.

    Hey JT,

    Thanks for the thinking material! Most of us STILL don't know who/what we're dealing with - or the ramifications. And we still don't understand the nature of the beast.

    One of the best ways to fight a powerful foe is to keep our own power.
    Sorta like Sampson's hair, eh?


  • zev


    One of the best ways to fight a powerful foe is to keep our own power.
    Sorta like Sampson's hair, eh?

    exactly right. which is why i have controlled every step and every decision i have made along my road.

    and i will continue to do so. which is why the letter was never sent.
    i will do as i please. no man controls me any longer.

    Learn about the Wtbts and the U.N.
    ** http://www.geocities.com/plowbitch69 **

  • jaded

    Zev, all I can say is WOW! What a great letter! Seeing everything written down in black and white really made my blood boil. I sure can see why you say if JW's were to knock on your door it would get ugly. Your research has certainly helped me and many others. Thank you so much!
    JT, thank you too! Every now and then I wonder if maybe I should write a DA letter. Thanks to your excellent post this will no longer be an issue for me. I will not play the game!
    Thanks again to both of you!

  • JT

    Jaded says:

    JT, thank you too! Every now and then I wonder if maybe I should write a DA letter. Thanks to your excellent post this will no longer be an issue for me. I will not play the game!

    you are welcome and any info that will give folks an INSIDE understanding of how they System works is well worth it.

    It is amazing how the Org wants to control your life

  • JT


    Hey JT,

    Thanks for the thinking material! Most of us STILL don't know who/what we're dealing with - or the ramifications. And we still don't understand the nature of the beast.

    you are welcome i sincerely believe that having the proper information will help all jw who are considering sending in DA letter
    AS TO WHAT TO DO and to see the result that come from making decision.

  • 2SYN

    Thanks for that excellent piece of writing, Zev! It's much appreciated. Pity about your wife, but there's very little you can do.

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • TheStar


    I had no idea. Thanks for the info. Here I was just so adamant about writing my DA letter and turning it in because I wanted to be rid of it and them all and just move on with my life. But you've brought some good points home. Good grief, there really is no easy way to get out of the hell hole, is there!

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