Latest Watchtower page 30... They have some nerve to put this!

by TimothyT 100 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Tuesday

    Your post is the exact approach I use when broaching the blood doctrine, I talk about the pharisees first then hit the blood doctrine. Works like a charm every time.

  • Mary

    Egghead, the sheer magnitude of your stupidity, ignorance and outright lies is matched only by the grotesque blind worship you dole out to a bookpublishing company that has caused untold damage to millions of lives over the years.

    Egghead said: Most people do not know what Jehovah's Witnesses believe as to the sacredness of blood, so how could they possibly know what our view is on blood transfusions? People tend to "know" Jehovah's Witnesses as being the religious group that doesn't celebrates holidays or birthdays. Some of those that have attended school with the children of Jehovah's Witnesses know them as the ones they knew in school that would stand, but would never recite the Pledge of Allegiance and never put their hands above their hearts as everyone else sang "The Star Spangled Banner" in the classroom. I really don't know how to answer your question, except to say that Jehovah's Witnesses are not known as the religion that doesn't accept blood transfusions. This is your view.

    It's hard to imagine where you dream this crap up, but I doubt you actually believe what you wrote above. Even as a child I knew that 'worldly' people knew us for 3 things: Refusing to stand for the national anthem, knocking on people's doors Saturday mornings with their never-ending "the sky is falling" nonsense, and the one I heard most often: "You let your children die rather than take a blood transfusion." I was all too familiar with this as this doctrine was a big issue with my sister when she was young, it nearly cost my father his life twice and it was instrumental in my brother in law losing his life. This bizarre doctrine---that has absolutely no basis in scripture---has killed god knows how many Witnesses over the last 50 years and is probably the thing for which Jehovah's Witnesses are known first and foremost, and not in a good way. It's viewed with such horror that in Canada at least, when a Witness baby needs a blood transfusion, the court steps in if the parents refuse to try and save their child, and will do all they can to save that baby's life. And thanks to the media, whether the radio, newspaper or the internet, most people are more than aware of Jehovah's Witnesses and the issue of blood.

    And please don't start your bullshit again about how the bible says you can't eat blood. You have been ground to death on the subject, most memorable on this thread started by jgnat on the subject, but, like most die-hards who belong to a cult, you simply stuck your head in the sand, refusing to admit you didn't have a leg to stand on.

    This change wasn't new light, but an error that needed to be corrected.

    Tomato, tomatoe......what's the difference? The Slobbering Body members demand unquestioning obedience to whatever nonsense they spew from the 6th Floor no matter how high the price (and many have paid the ultimate price for their warped interpretation of the bible). Rather than apologize and let people decide matters with their own consciouse, they---like you---refuse to acknowledge what a bunch of hypocritical misfits they really are and just keep repeating "We're God's Channel here on earth....We're God's Channel here on earth......blah, blah, blah......"

    I do admit that I'm not as sensitive as you are about what I view as little human foibles.

    Is that what you call it--not being "sensitive" to "little human foibles" when we are forced to watch family members die because this cult claims that by taking one, you're forefitting your eternal salvation? Is this what you call it when someone that you viewed as a close friend, rapes your son or daughter, denies it, and is allowed to continue on in their congregation as though nothing has happened? Is that what you call it when a grandparent is no longer allowed to speak to their grandchild simply because the grandchild doesn't believe the nonsense that this religion tells them is "the truth"? Please don't give me that crap that the Society doesn't forbid this, because you, me and everyone on this board knows only too well, that that is exactly what they teach.

    Eggnog, you are without a doubt, one of the sorriest, most pathetic excuses for either a 'christian', a debator, or even a human being that I've had the misfortune of coming across. Your willfull ignorance, your attempted sleight-of-hand when it comes to the embarassing and non-scriptural doctrines, and your misplaced loyalty to a cult that wouldn't hesitate to kick your ass to the curb if they knew you were on this site, is a great demonstration to what mind-control can do to a person. You're not fooling anyone on this site, with the sole exception of yourself.

  • PrincessCynic

    I've decided I'm going to comment on this paragraph when it comes up. I haven't bothered commenting for nearly a year so it should have quite an impact.

    Can anyone put together a comment for me that makes the point but isn't too aggressive. Subtlety is the key but I've been told I don't do subtle very well.

  • Celestial
    Eggnog, you are without a doubt, one of the sorriest, most pathetic excuses for either a 'christian', a debator, or even a human being that I've had the misfortune of coming across. Your willfull ignorance, your attempted sleight-of-hand when it comes to the embarassing and non-scriptural doctrines, and your misplaced loyalty to a cult that wouldn't hesitate to kick your ass to the curb if they knew you were on this site, is a great demonstration to what mind-control can do to a person. You're not fooling anyone on this site, with the sole exception of yourself.

    Mary, the Peoples Temple cult headed off by Jim Jones which is best known for the November 18, 1978 mass suicide of 913 Temple members can conveniently be attributed to mind-control. This is not the case with Jehovah’s Witnesses, especially if they happened to be in your family. In retrospective, my existence as one of Jehovah's Witness wasn't that of a brainwashed robot.

    If someone knew or had a family member that died do to the blood policy and would characterize them as controlled by a cult, I will not contest their opinion. I'll just say that this opinion isn't coherent with my self-image or those in my social environment.

  • tornapart

    Djeggnog.. what I don't understand is if you are an active JW and trying to explain to us what the WTS means in this article about associating with apostates.. that even children shouldn't be associated with if they've left home.. what on earth are you doing here?

    You are either 1) Not a true JW at heart or 2)Being disobedient to the FDS that you hold so dear

    You are associating with 100's of apostates!!

  • therevealer

    Or just plainly a pathetic idiot.

  • Mary
    Celestial said: Mary, the Peoples Temple cult headed off by Jim Jones which is best known for the November 18, 1978 mass suicide of 913 Temple members can conveniently be attributed to mind-control. This is not the case with Jehovah's Witnesses, especially if they happened to be in your family. In retrospective, my existence as one of Jehovah's Witness wasn't that of a brainwashed robot.

    Really? What's the difference between the people that were forced to drink the Kool-Aid provided by Jim Jones & Co. and the thousands of Witnesses who are forced to commit suicide by not accepting a blood transfusion? There.isn'

  • baltar447

    EggNog is BACK!? WTF? There's no rule on shunning your family? What drugs are you taking and can I have some?

  • Fernando

    Hey Eggy!

    Would you like to explain to us, from your heart, exactly what is "legalism" and its exact opposite?

  • TimothyT

    Hi Eggnog!

    Im trying to make a point that this organisation is most opressive. Almost EVERY thing i did as a JW was frowned upon. I wanted a beard, NO. I spiked by hair, NO. I cut my hair off, NO. I went to college, NO. I went to uni, NO. I wore trainers for the meeting, NO. I wore a creased shirt, NO. I didnt do my top button up, NO. I didnt wear a matching suit, NO. I did after school activities, NO. I had non JW friends, NO, I wish my friend a happy birthday, NO. I eat a piece of bday cake, NO. I take part in a toast, NO. I have the internet in my room, NO.... I could go on... and on... and on... and on...

    In the end, when i read the scriptures where Jesus correctly shown the pharisees up because of their holding to such silly traditions, it reminds me exactly how the organisation do the very same thing. They are not so much rules and laws, just what they call 'principles'. Jesus two main laws make ALL these things invalid. The bible is so clear on that.

    When I read the bible, i cannot help but notice how far removed from it this organisation has become. If anyone sat down and read it cover to cover, without any Watchtower or Awake, any Christian magazine, any journal articles to do indepth research, they would read pure and unadulterated truth. When that is compared with Watchtower philosophy, they are very different. It surprises me how JWs cannot see this.

    Tim x

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