Getting rid of your blood card may not be enough

by maksym 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • maksym

    I want to share a potential problem that could come up in regards to those that have left the watchtower corporation and no longer accept their doctrines concerning blood.

    Obviously step one would be to get rid of the blood card; however...

    Recently I was put in the hospital to have an apendectomy. The usual occurs in which a screening process is performed and records are updated before a major surgery; at least if your conscience.

    One question the adminstrator nurse asked was whether I was still a Jehovahs Witness member of that church and if I still refused to accept blood. I quickly updated my files telling them my current status and said I would accept blood.

    The blood card was an indicator in an emergency if you were to be rushed to a hospital you did not know.

    Hospital records are not updated unless we choose to inform them. This is particularly evident in your local area and the most recent hospitals that you may have visited or had treatment when you were a Jehovah's witness church member.

    It is something to think about. A bit of advice is to visit the local hospital in your area and get your records updated.

    In an emergency, had I been unconscience , and in a life threatening situation, they could have not given me blood and perhaps lead to death over a theological principle that I no longer hold to be true.

    My hospital records are now changed.

    Peace Maksym

  • nicolaou

    Very good advice. When my doubts about the blood issue were strong enough I made an appointment with my GP to review and amend my medical notes. I also made it quite clear - in writing - that my young children were to be given any blood treatment deemed medically necessary. I stated that even though my wife remained a Jehovah's Witness and would not actively support my decision that neither would she contend it. It was the best she could offer me at the time.

    That was 13 years ago, we've come a long way since!

  • smiddy

    Thxs maksym

    That`s something I`ve wondered about for some time, yet havent done anything about it.

    Next time I visit my Dr. I will certainly bring it up. Incidentally I have recently joined Probus,and been issued with an I.D.card to carry around in my wallet with medical info.I will add the necessary information.


  • Rabbit

    A few years after I was out of the JW'S, I had signed papers at a few doctor's and hospitals stating my changes -- I want -- blood if I need it ! My JW mom DIED USELESSLY over this stupid issue.

    But, before a serious back surgery, the same happened to me as Maksym, the records showed I was a JW ! Refusing blood! I had the lady keep putting the new info in until the computer files were purged and reflected the current ''Truth".

    It was a simple hospital mistake...I had never been to this hospital, but they had merged with another hospital I had been to in the past -- my records merged, too !

    Be Careful !

  • talesin

    Also, make sure that your Next of Kin in the hospital records is NOT a JW, and that your designated NOK knows that you do not want blood refused!


    Holy Jeebus,, I just popped in for a sec, and there you are! happy V-day to you and the missus, bro!

  • Azazel

    I had a minor op last year and on the admission forms i stated no religion. But because my ex had out 3 children there it automatically listed me as a JW and in danger of a HLC elder visiting me! thankfully it didnt happen they knew i was DF so i guess they didnt need to visit me.

    Good on you smiddy for joining Probus , they have done so much to help others!

  • VM44

    Clayton Woodworth would not approve!

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Perhaps someone could suggest some practical advice on a related matter. My health care proxy and advance directives named my sister as proxy. There is a bizarre family history. I had no contact with her for thirty years. The forms seemed straight forward. After I named my sister, I had more dealings with her family. They are ardent Roman Catholics. For a short while, I used to attend family dinners. I was barraged with nasty comments about my Episcoopal faith and political views while I was their guest. This was not a politcal debate. It was not about religion or politics but aggressive power in a relationship.

    I named a new health care proxy and made my feelings about Catholic care very clear in my new advanced heatlh care directive. My sister was given a new copy. It felt very awkward discussing it with her. I might trust my sister but never her husband. Her h completely dominates her. My feelings are so strong I feel I would lose control. What good is a new advance directive if no one knows it exists.

    I've considered seeing a lawyer with expertise. The content would be the same but a lawyer might know ways around the issue. This will not be cheap. I have no doubt that I could act as a health care proxy for someone who does not share my values. My sister cannot make such a distinction. She is supporting Santorum.

    People don't line up to be proxies. It is a huge responsibility. I am curious what people think. You have to be so meticulous about telling every possible provider. Talking to your doctor is not enough. This thread was a valuable reminder that you need to do the detail work.

  • Aware!

    This is just what I needed. If I shred my blood card will my parents be able to do something? I am 20 and still live at home and can't move out yet. Remember we had to give two persons copies and I think the kingdom hall has one as well. Do those copies work? I really don't know if my local hospitals have any info about me being a JW. I also can't go to them now or my MD and update my info without raising suspicion.

  • rebel8

    I have helped patients fill them out numerous times and let them know how to distribute them. Basically in your state, if your spouse is automatically the one to whom decision-making would fall, and you're comfortable with that, you need not do a proxy.

    What you do need to do is a proxy if your legal next of kin is not someone who will uphold your choices, or if the person who will be next in line if your 1st next of kin is unconscious with you. All you need is a trusted person who will uphold your choices even if they don't agree, then educate them/specify in writing what your wishes are.

    Distribute a copy to every single physician, urgent care facility, clinic, hospital etc. you've ever been to.

    If your doctor participates in your Regional Health Information Organization (US), inquire if s/he can upload it to your electronic health record, which can be accessed by any hospital emergency department if you're unconscious (soon all the RHIOs will be linked together so this will be possible--right now it would just be within your region).

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