I think I know the answer, but can I be in a "worldly wedding"?

by ex360shipper 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • ex360shipper

    Well for those of you who don't know I am on the long slow fade. I do not go to meetings at all anymore, it has been 10 months since I last stepped foot in a KH, went to DC last year and will go to memorial for my mother.

    Good friend of mine, catholic, told me he is popping the question Monday. And I am sure he is going to ask me to be in it. I know it will be in a Catholic Church. The only time I have ever been in a church before is for a funeral and I was active back then and got uncomfortable when they did the wafer thing and went outside. I have no idea how a Catholic wedding even goes.

    Anyway, is being in a wedding in a Catholic Church a DFing offense? I doubt I'd be seen or caught, but would like to know.

  • ziddina

    Hee hee!!

    As long as you don't get caught, then it "never happened"....

    Don't confide in ANY Jehovah's Witnesses about this, of course...

  • DesirousOfChange

    I really think it is a "conscience" matter. If it is a Mass, you would not want to participate in the "worship" part of the ceremony, and of course, you would not eat the stale wafers. (That would be participating in false worship and could have consequences.)

    I have been in a couple "worldly" weddings, one Catholic, and the priest totally understood that since I was not Catholic, I would stand respectfully with the wedding party but not genuflex nor accept the sacriment. But since most of the rest were Catholic, they would each follow the Catholic tradition. Although they are more tolerant now to non-Catholics accepting the sacriment, traditionally you COULD NOT unless you were a member of the Church.

    Still, I would STFU and not advertise it -- using the explanation if something does somehow come of it that you were being cautious to not stumble anyone whose conscience would direct them differently.



  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    If any JW is present, you can blackmail each other to keep quiet. Friends are not easy to come by. Be respectful. I attended Catholic churches when very ill just to have someplace to go. It is not my thing. No one ever made me feel awkward. What they don't know can't hurt you.

  • drewcoul

    as long as it is a secular wedding and NOT in a church or officiated by a member of the clergy, you're clear. To be in a wedding in a church officiated by a member of the clergy is viewed as taking part in false religious practices and it is a disfellowshipping offense. I was in my brother's wedding in an Episcopal church. I was still a JW at the time (though not active). It was one of the things I eventually got DF'd for.

  • ex360shipper

    drew: Thanks, that was what I was afraid of. I have much to lose (not talking about friends) if I get DF'd right now.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    You can always play stupid and say.....

    "Ohhhh I didn't know that..... I'm glad I know NOW..... Praise Jah!"

    And a little tear wouldn't hurt either LOL

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    One of the Boy Scout leaders of my sons' troop told me that when he got married (years ago - probably late 80's or early 90's), he asked his best friend to be his best man. The friend had become a witness (and is now the COBOE of the local hall). He refused to even attend the wedding because "it would be participating in false religion". So my money is on it being a huge problem if you got caught.

  • Berengaria

    I'm surprised you feel alright associating with a worldly person at all, much less participating in their demonic wedding ritual.

  • DilemmaGF

    There are some wedding photographer JWs that I know. I wonder how they do their works? Do they shoot only weddings conducted in the KH and civil weddings?

    It amazes me how the supposed God's chosen people be so powerless and full of fear of almost EVERYTHING!

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