What's The Worst Thing You've Heard An Elder Say Or Do?

by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • JRK

    The elders tried to cover it up, and it would have worked, but the two of them kept on keeping on. It came out, in an ugly way. The parents found out, and so did his wife. He was divorced, and married the girl when she turned 16. The old letch was around 50. She finally left him for a man closer to her own age a few years ago. Happy for her. Disgusting!


  • talesin

    JV - It mus have been more common 'back in those days' than I thought.

    3rdgen - my parents took it as the gospel, too. :( That particular elder died a horrible, long, painful death from ALS. I thought it was fitting, after all the torture of children that he promoted. And yes, that is what it is. Being held prisoner, unable to escape, and regularly beaten with a belt at the whim of your captors. If it was done to an adult, we would call it torture.

    JRK - Pedophile! And he married his victim, after she was well-groomed. Disgusting. At least she finally escaped.


  • JRK

    There was another elder (now removed) that loved telling young brothers "A stiff prick has no conscience." He also went after my ex-wife, while trying to "help us." He would have her meet him at his apartment alone to "counsel her."


  • DNCall

    Toth: You have a PM.

  • talesin

    JK ,,, wow! what an fine Christian example that elder was.



    steal money ($75k-$100k) from the kh building fund over many years for a rather demanding wife. He was a fool, she was terrible.


  • Wishididntknow


    The WTBS did not lock their doors during 9/11. They were actually hosing off people and giving food and water (regardless of faith)...Just thought I would set the record straight.... Not that Im an apologist....just a believer in fact.- from NYC

  • WTWizard

    Saying that I should just meet men at a$$emblies, eliminating any possibility of anything worthwhile happening to justify the waste of time and money at attending those fxxxing things. Then they wonder why I don't attend them.

  • minimus

    Wish, I heard it very differently.

  • outsmartthesystem

    "It was reported that when 9/11 happened, Brooklyn locked its doors and turned away "worldly" people who sought refuge there."

    Minimus, can you substantiate this? I only ask because 6 months after the attacks, a "brother" from Bethel came to our KH to give a talk. He raved about how loving God's organization is because they opened up their doors and took in and fed all those that were fleeing across the Brooklyn Bridge.

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