What's The Worst Thing You've Heard An Elder Say Or Do?

by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    Oh, and another,,, from the platform, re fidgety little ones:

    "And when you take your kids out to the back room, that's when we REALLY want to hear them."


  • misguided

    Have a baby with his daughter.

    I was once told by an elder that purchasing insurance for your home/things is materialistic. (We should trust in Jehovah to look after our stuff, and count on our Brothers & Sisters to look after us should something happen to them)

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    Talesin: In my youth I heard a Circuit Servant (that's what we called them in those days) say from the podium:

    "Parents: Satan is everywhere. Satan wants your kids to join him and his demons. You must be willing to beat the Devil out of them now while they are young or face the possibility of losing them forever..."


  • mercedes_29

    At the other congregation that shared thr KH with mine there was a very self-righteous Elder. When a bother in the congregation killed himself, this Elder told the congregation not to attend his funeral because Jehovah would not ressurect him and had withdrawn His spirit from him because he let his disfellowshipped son live in his house.

  • stillajwexelder

    Disfellowship him and worry about the appeal later.

  • minimus

    The truth is."... It's all about image.

  • harleybear

    An elder in my old cong said from the platform that the only way to Jehovah was through the Body of Elders. Guess my PERSONAL dedication was a waste of time and pool water.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    Elder Chieftain was informed by a victim of child abuse, in front of three people, this P.O.S. told the victim "Jehovah would not allow a pedophile to roam amongst us, Jehovah keeps his Kingdom Halls clean. Pedophiles do not exist, so you are lying about the whole thing." (the pedophile did come clean, and Jehovah told me (using the chief elder's own words), he had other people, out in the World) , and that's when I decided, this is not Jehovah's Organization, because there are pedophiles, and by your own words, Jehovah would not have them in "his organization"!

  • 3rdgen

    Juan, my overseer father obeyed those beat the devil out of your children talks. I still cringe when I think about those SOBs admonishing child abuse.

  • JRK

    Porking his daughter's 14 year old best friend.


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