What was your life as a JW?

by tornapart 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    tornapart - I envy you being able to get out together FA and JR :)

    We came really close to breaking up once. To his credit, Just Ron stuffed his feelings down and kept going to meetings and in service because at the time it was what I wanted and believed. I am so very grateful that he didn't force me to choose between him and the borg at that time, because I probably would have made the wrong choice. I was really deluded back then.

  • tornapart

    I think that's the key isn't it? Not to make our other half choose, because it won't work. To understand that each person has the right to choose what they want to believe in even if we can't believe ourselves. But it's difficult! You so want them to see it the same way!!

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    I'm a born in 3rd generation. I knew something wasn't quite right probably by about age 9 or 10. But like a good little girl I thought my doubts were just me; there must be something wrong with me because I didn't see what everyone else did.

    Over the years I saw unspeakable acts go unpunished and get swept under the rug (especially by elders families), this coupled with the way the congregation treated my family and I made me say, “if this is how Jehovah’s loving happy people act then I don’t want to spend forever with them.” I wanted to leave but was too scared; this unfortunately led to me getting baptized in my late teens just to get everyone off my back. In the many years since then the same horrible acts have continued, so has the poor treatment. As time went on I started to question things, this led to many discoveries convincing me that JWs had it wrong, the hypocrisy too became more and more apparent.

    My resolve that the organization and watchtower are a cult has grown the more I seek out the real truth about them and their false teachings.

    I am still active, if you can call it that; I do just what I have to do to stay off the radar so I can continue association with my family. I figure I have more of chance helping them see the light by staying than leaving; so for now I wait. As horrible as it may seem to be leading this double life, I can be thankful for sites such as this to let it out so the poison doesn’t build.

  • N.drew

    Wow Disillusioned Lost-Lamb Welcome to the forum! There are some here like you who are active because they won't say so long to their family and I don't blame them. I have no family in and the friends I made while in are few and most are far away as I have moved! May God grant you peace!

  • d

    I left in 2008.I was raised into it but I left at 17 and realized it was all lie I felt angry at first but I got over it.

  • sooner7nc

    4th generation born-in. 41 now DA'ed a couple of years ago. Left mentally a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.

  • mamamo

    Like sooner, I was a 4th generation, great grandmother was at one of the conventions at Cedar Point, way back when. I left when I was 25 in 1990, DA'd. I basically got sick with the second class status of women. I basically feel that almost anything men can do... I didn't really start doing my research until 3 years ago. Since then I have learned so much. I used to have occasional conversations with my parents, but since the mental sickness article and me getting tired of the guilt trips my mother still tries on me, I say forget it. If she needs me, she knows my phone number.

  • scooterspank

    Born in...it sucked...I left!!! Pitty the damned fools still in!

  • DonutZ!

    I was born in, my mom started studying a few months after I was born. I was a witness pretty much all my life. What made me realize this wasn't the "truth" was that a elder hacked my wife's facebook and didn't get in trouble at all. We both ended up having a judicial committee but before they could say anything I gave them my disassociation letter.

  • scooterspank

    I was double dunked, F@*@ all!!! Dunked in the womb and dunked at 18. Been un-dunked for many a happy year! (apologize again. Mom visited tonight and left me in quite a foul mood).

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