Shunned by a pharisaic elder

by ldrnomo 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • freetosee

    lol. The elder refused to shake your hand, but the bible student did. I'm sure the elder didn't like that. And then you told the BS why the elder is acting that way.
    You reacted very well.

  • flipper

    LDRNOMO- I think you handled it perfectly ! Two thumbs up ! For one thing you were just honest in front of the Bible study who probably had NO clue that JW's ( especially elders ) shun former inactive members just because they stopped attending meetings. So you opened up THAT door of enlightenment of thinking to the Bible study. My view is this : Who CARES if the elder tries justifying it to the Bible study on why he didn't shake your hand ? It just makes the elder look like a moron and idiotic buffoon in shunning you. According to WT terms you aren't supposed to shun unless someone's DFed, which you are not.

    And you showed great courage in demonstrating to this Bible study a LACK OF FEAR and that you are not in awe or intimidated by the elders " supposed " position. You showed the Bible study that yes, EVEN elders can be corrected for showing unChristian like conduct . JW's are taught that elders CANNOT make mistakes. Elders are like TEFLON to them because the WT society MAKES them appear indestructible in their WT study lessons and information. That's why JW's are in such AWE of elders ! WT society paints them that way to rank & file JW's - and the attitude and mind control thinking that way permeates their brains. It's the ultimate control through fear and manipulation making JW's fear elders supposed " power " . Good job my friend

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