I still feel the same, now with uncertainty

by I Want to Believe 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • I Want to Believe
    I Want to Believe

    So I bought a "first Bible" for my 2 year old. It has about a dozen hard pages so they can't be torn, has colorful illustrations and touches on the basic stories of Noah, David, Jesus, etc. but without the WTB&TS spin (or graphic depictions of the wicked drowning, etc.). But it still felt weird buying it. So I tried to force the issue by buying a rated-R movie (The Matrix on Blu-Ray; seemed appropriate), but I still felt weird. And I realized that, despite my awakening and growing mid-life crisis, not much in my life is different at all.

    As a born-in, I don't know how to start over, since I've never thought of what my life would be like otherwise. I've never wanted to celebrate holidays (and still don't), and can't really change my life in other ways since I have my family, and most of my life choices are still binding (which feeds the mid-life crisis feeling, my "bloom of youth" having been squandered). And it's especially hard trying to fade in a town where "spies" are everywhere. When I was buying my JW contraband, I kept looking over my shoulder--this is a town where it's easy to run into someone you know at the store.

    Am I supposed to feel different? I did at first, like a weight was lifted... but now I'm just caught spinning my wheels again. Day in, day out, my life is the same, only without any sense of direction and the fear that my family could be taken away at any time if I say the wrong thing. I almost feel more trapped than before, carrying a terrific secret that I can't tell anybody I care about. We were planning a vacation to Florida next year to see my wife's family, take the kids to the theme parks, and have a great time... but now I'm feeling apprehensive about it.

    Sorry if this rant is all over the place, but lack of clear focus is the theme of my life right now. I just needed to vent a little.

  • leavingwt

    Have you read either of Steve Hassan's books?

    One thing that may be helpful to you, is to IDENTIFY irrational fears that you may have.

    Don't worry! It's not a race. It gets a little easier each month that goes by. You'll be surprised how much difference a year can make. Hang in there!

    You may enjoy this thread:


  • bohm

    So I bought a "first Bible" for my 2 year old. It has about a dozen hard pages so they can't be torn, has colorful illustrations and touches on the basic stories of Noah, David, Jesus, etc. but without the WTB&TS spin (or graphic depictions of the wicked drowning, etc.).

    obviously, the bible has been such a force of good in your life it is neccesary to introduce it to your 2 year old.

    I find it slightly strange you believe the bible contain stories which would be traumatizing when put on print, but if you merely tell him the stories and let him make the pictures himself, its all happy dayes.

  • 3rdgen

    So sorry you are feeling this way. I am newly awakened myself. Sometimes it feels very lonely-especially when you have to watch everything you say and do in public. Remember though, that when we were still "in" we had to do the same anyway, plus all the meetings , service, parts, assems, etc. Many of us were lonely even at the meetings because we were ignored.

    As born ins we are so accostomed to having our whole life planned out for us that freedom seems weird at first. Like letting a scared animal out of a cage. Sometimes it just feels safer inside like it's being somehow protected. The outside world has been deamonized by the WT$ all our lives so it naturally takes time and experience to reprogram our thinking.

    Never forget this is a cult. We have been captives of the powerful influence and control that is used. Have you read either of Steve Hassons books yet? These are very useful in understanding the techniques used on us and how to become free from the mindset. Be patient. It is a process. People are here to help!

  • Londo111

    Yes, as a born-in, my lifestyle isn't really that different than it was before. I did feel that loss of direction for a time, but I also find there is a real hope, just not the catch-the-rainbow kind provided by the Society. I went out and bought a new translation of the Bible and it felt great. My direction in life now is to awaken my brothers and sisters still trapped, and delivery them from being slaves of men.

  • wannabefree

    What future do you want for your kids?

    Do you want them to live their lives "waiting for Armageddon" and always feeling like they have to do more and more to please the God of the Watchtower?

    It will get better. You have a tough road ahead.

  • I Want to Believe
    I Want to Believe

    @bohm: The Bible hasn't not been a force of good; My main criticism is of the Society. And if I say to my wife "they don't accurately follow the Bible," and then turn around and say "well, the Bible's wrong anyway" she'll shut down for sure, not that I'm fully prepared to discount it wholesale just yet either. Right now my concern is keeping my family together, and my wife's concern is that if we leave the Org we'll leave God entirely. I essentially have to show that leaving will draw us closer to God without the Society in the way. Like I said, my choices at this stage in life are far more complicated than "Do whatever I want."

    Everyone else, thanks for your understanding and support.

  • Ding

    I Want to Believe,

    I've sent you a PM.

  • Bella15

    I ditto this: "Never forget this is a cult. We have been captives of the powerful influence and control that is used."

    and for a $$$ PROFIT $$$ NEVER FORGET THIS ... there is a Board of Directors, Shareholders and "invisible" people behind them God knows where ... :)

    Read as much as you can about mind control, cults and how USA corporations operate.

    Unless you have to keep a facade in front of JW family, stay away from bible and Christian/religion literature for a while - take a Sabbatical year or years - and just go one on one with God Creator through prayer, if you still believe in one ...

    If you feel you have to tell your children about God, talk to them about God Creator, how there is a God up there that created all the pretty things children love (pets, nature, friends, feelings) if you believe this ... teach them to love everybody, to accept everybody, not to judge but to love ...

    there will be a time when they may ask for more information about this God Creator and hopefully by then you have made up, but most importantly mended your mind, heart and soul and be able to transfer to your children your beliefs about the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ... if in fact you still believe in the God of this book called The Bible.

    Heal yourself first before handing down your beliefs to the next generation ...

    "The important thing is this: To be able at any moment sacrifice what we are for what we could become." Charles Dubois.

    "It is never too late to be what you might have become." George Elliott


    I am a Christian now and believe that God can give you beauty for your ashes ... moreover, that you CAN BE BORN AGAIN (what better way to start over again, trust me being born again is not only in religious sense, is in the Spirit and you can become anything you set your mind to for the glory of the Father) .. but you don't have to share my beliefs to accomplish exactly the same ... the difference in my case and beliefs is that there is an eternal reward for me.

    Take some personality tests, there are dozens on line, it will help you to get to know you better and explore perhaps career, abilities and skills you may have, it is a huge world out there but you can make it by walking on the narrow road JESUS, by living a kingdom life (if you still want to have this in your life) if not, you can still make it if you set your mind to it and abide by commom sense and timeless principles and acceptable practices of society ...

    YOU CAN START AGAIN ...the world is your stage ... walk proudly and free ...

  • tornapart

    I understand completely how you feel... I'm a born-in but a generation on from you. It is quite unsettling to say the least! It's hard to adjust and yes.. if you don't want to cause trouble for yourself you have to keep biting your tongue!

    I've found the website jwstruggle.com to be a huge help too for active JWs who are just waking up to the realities and who don't know what to do next.

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