I think a lot of older (maybe younger ones) JW's are going to attempt/commit suicide....(READ)

by Joliette 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • garyneal

    Yeah, me neither UC. Can anyone verify this?

  • sherah

    Don C never was a JW.

    Jolliette just referenced his recent suicide to make her point...i think.

  • ziddina

    Phew!! Thanks, Sherah!!!

    That's what I thought...

  • LostGeneration

    I don't know if there will be any way to compare if there are more/less than in the past. I sure hope they just go online and get support and help to leave the org.

    I do hope 2014 kind of causes some to take a second look at the org, and re-evaluate some of the 1914 silliness. It will be interesting if they start to experience negative growth following 2014 and as the end of the decade approaches. If that happens I would love to see a desperate GB throw out the speculated on 2034 date (1914+120 years of a Noah generation), just to try to keep the last few rats on the sinking ship.

  • aquagirl

    Jolliette,I agree about the degree of despair that is being expressed these past few years,seems like it is getting more and more difficult.Think its more widespread than ex dubs tho?I am seeing it ,like,everywhere...

  • steve2

    Jolliette, your post inadvertently implied that Don was a JW - otherwise it's hard to understand how you used his example when as yet the exact circumstances surrounding his apparent suicide have yet to be established.

  • smiddy

    Didn`t we, as active witnesses expect the end to come within the next 5 years ? Iwas led to beleive that in early 1960,and after a few years it was well, it cant go on more than 5 years now can it !!.Then after a couple of years later ,things have never been so bad, it can`t last more than 5 years now can it,and so on, and so on, and so on (Keep dangling the carrot in front of the donkey) At least we have woken up{ it only took me 33 years},hopefully they will wake up and not resort to the extreme of suicide...........,hopefully.


  • steve2
    Didn`t we, as active witnesses expect the end to come within the next 5 years ? Iwas led to beleive that in early 1960,and after a few years it was well, it cant go on more than 5 years now can it !!.

    True. Just like Russell's hapless followers expected the end in 1914 and Rutherford's in 1925. A long line of disappointed followers of men.

  • truthseeker1969

    the real problem is those who act as prophets and try and determine what jesus had no clue about, the end of times.

    building hope then crashing it down then building it up is rather like the father who walked out on his kids and promised to return time after time, they tend to lose hope of anything being truthful.

    i do not see suicide being the end result but rather a large rebellion or walk out by many.

    it was interesting to see on my last visit to my old congregation, zero and i mean zero young people there who were there when i was in. my in laws all out, elders gone, ms gone pioneers off having babies with other peoples wives, nothing.

    the governing body are fully aware that they basically shot themselves in the foot with the latest generation mess as too much is being written and elders are constantly trying to justify it along with talks trying to make sense of it.

    sad sad sad

  • bigmouth

    A well known football player - whose name eludes me - from the United Kingdom quit the game in the later 1960s convinced the end was coming by the mid-1970s. Whate ever became of them?

    Steve, you're probably thinking of Archie Gemmells' brother, Paul. There was an Awake article about him. Dunno what happened to him. Probably as bitter and disappointed as me !!

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