The Real God: An Epiphany (YouTube)

by leavingwt 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    My apologies if this video has already been posted at some point in the past. Only recently did I become aware of this particular video. The opinions of the author are expressed in a way that was new to me. I wanted to share it with you, to get your comments, your objects, and potential discussion.

    "Because I was constantly being told that I'm rejecting God, and I knew that wasn't true, I decided to research rejection, which made me aware of its effects. My studies took me in a completely unexpected direction. The epiphany (pun intended) was rather shocking. The evidence indicates that the personal god is a manifestation of the ego, which explains a plethora of theistic tendencies, including their typical dislike of atheists, who theists subconsciously perceive to be rejecting a part of themselves. God is Tyler Durden; and the first rule of Jesus Club is you have to talk about Jesus Club. The second rule of Jesus Club is you have to talk about Jesus Club."

  • undercover


  • Magwitch

    What he said about belief not being a choice was quite interesting. Thank you for posting

  • cofty

    A very sound rationale for the common rection of believers. Thanks for posting this.

    "The Truth Does Not Require Your Approval"

  • dog is god
    dog is god

    THAT is very interesting. Big thanks!!

  • tec

    I liked his description that the atheist rejects the theist representation of God... not necessarily God, Himself. You have to know someone to reject Him.

    As to the reaction of the theist being similar to a jilted lover because the theist is god... I can't get on board with that. Atheists also react in frustration, anger, depression, etc, when they cannot get a theist to let go their faith. So it would seem that someone rejecting something someone says is taken as a personal rejection by anyone.

    What he said about truth not requiring approval and belief not being a choice... (it can be a choice; some make it a choice)... but I mostly agree. People form their beliefs and conclusions based on evidence and reason. Including people of faith. (not all theists, perhaps... but certainly not all people of faith arrive at their faith simply as a 'feel good' choice)



  • freetosee

    ..recently I had a discussion with a guy from the New Apostolic Church and that is just what he said.
    "Not believing in god is just a belief too.You can not prove there is no god."
    "You reject god!"

    I told him that I can not reject something that does not exist. If anything, I reject the belief in god.


  • ziddina


    GOOD video!!!

    I've subscribed to this fellow on YouTube; looks like I need to break my JWN addiction and spend more time on YouTube looking at the older videos...

    I had some mental awareness of the "ego" part of theists' very personal involvement with atheists' choice to go with observed data, as opposed to Middle-Eastern mythology; but this video brought it out MOST succinctly!!



  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Good video follows and well illustrate the points here


  • garyneal

    During my search for the 'truth', this episode of Quantum Leap opened my eyes.

    I've always wondered why I thought a lot about this episode, even before my search for 'truth.'

    Mirror-Image-4by HanTheMan

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