by koolaid-man 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82
  • Londo111

    If this were my phone conference, he wouldn't be allowed back after he couldn't identify the magazine in advance--in fact, if he didn't know about the stipend or what time Morning Worship is. It's a very simple test of credibility. He failed. How does he have all this 'top secret' information, but he doesn't have the basic info that all Bethelites know? Occam's razor says: 'Fraud!'

    I'd be delighted to be wrong.

  • Iamallcool

    Rick, please read Londo111 post again as shown above and you should stop talking about JTB for good. We already know that he is a fucking fraud.

  • elderelite

    Rick, im not trying to pile on, but it really is that simple to test johnny's credablity. My first day at bethel was a sunday (arrival at aprox 2pm). Usuall arrival is friday, i had a special travel situation... But EVERY bethelite, by their first monday morning, knows EXACTLY what time breakfast is. You have no money to eat elsewhere. Its imperative. And ur table head will hound u if u are late even a few seconds. And after the first month of being broke (legal vow of poverty and all) you know exactly how much ur stipened is.

    Story dont hold.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    yep it's the usual, "we'll see" that I hear from dubs all the time. Whatever they can't defend, it becomes, "well, lets see how this pans out before u dispute it"

    I haven't heard a cry for any attention this bad in a long time.

  • freetosee

    Interesting, last week he says that he can change his voice and manner of speech so that not even his family and friends can recognize him. And now he is saying that he does not care if he gets found out, while continuing to speak in exactly the same way he did right from the beginning.

    If I remember correctly, first it was said that Rick uses a voice muffler in order to disguise johnnys voice. Then johnny had his own voice-changer. Right or not?

    I wonder, if we will soon hear a dramatic story about how johnny got interrogated, threatened and kicked out of bethel.


  • Iamallcool

    freetosee said I wonder, if we will soon hear a dramatic story about how johnny got interrogated, threatened and kicked out of bethel.

    It will never happen because JTB does not exist at all. He did not know what time the morning worship starts, that is a HUGE red flag. He also used the word excommunicated more than few times already, that is another huge red flag too. I think JTB has never been a witness. he did a "favor" for Rick, I think.

  • freetosee

    @lamallcool: Just because someone does not exist does not mean you don't hear stories about them. So I think it is very likely that the johnny story will continue to be told. There are many stories about fictitious persons. Nothing in those stories ever happened, since they are not true stories.

  • ziddina

    "They can figure it out in less than 5 minutes..."
    [regarding JWs posting on any non-approved forum].


    Can any tecchies help us with this???

    Thanks in advance...

    Keeping in mind that this broadcast is being sent out to the under-tecched ex-Jehovah's Witnesses... [sceptical look, here...]

    Pssst!! LOST GENERATION!!!

    That photo is HILARIOUS!!! That cat has SUCH an expression on its face!!!

    "The things I do for cat food....."
  • Iamallcool

    Rick, it would not surprise me at all if you wrote those notes and send it to ChristianWitnesses website and then all of the sudden, you started this topic about this.

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