My 18-yr old college freshman nephew has just been cut off for leaving the JWs...

by Alfred 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I have to stop reading this board! This anti-college shit sickens and angers me

    I wish your nephew the best in his studies!

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I hate to break it toyou but its a small percentage of parents who save for their kid's college education. Though that's a nice thing to do it shouldn't be his only means of support in the venture. He needs to be proactive in getting financial aide and work. It's not easy but most people find thier future jobs by means of that route. Good luck with the journey grasshopper!

  • Diest

    Also, he feels it is simply a place for hopeless people to gather and give each other moral support without actually doing anything productive to better their


    That is one of the more insightful statments you will hear today.

  • NewChapter

    Geez, his financial aid is screwed at 18. They will take his parent's income into account---and they probably won't be forthcoming with it. But he CAN appeal. Get him to the financial aid office to tell his story. He is living on his own, perhaps there is a way. It will be very difficult though, but the college may know some ways. Otherwise, can he work and go part time? Do your best to keep him there, even if it is only one class. The huge mistake would be to drop it all together with intention of returning---because so often that doesn't happen. But if he takes only one class, that will keep things in perspective.

    So sorry. I have tears in my eyes. Young, smart, enthusiastic and dicks for parents. I hope you find a way.


  • NewChapter

    How are his grades? I went back to college and part of it is paid with an honors scholarship. Could he be in line for something like that? Check it out.


  • TOTH

    I am sorry your nephew is going through this. I hope he can stick to his guns.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Okay, I calmed down. . .

    A real solution to this really depends on the school he's attending. Most of the students at the state 'U' I atttend seem to get significant help from state and federal aid. For instance, normally a 12 credit semester would run 6-7k for someone living in state, actually not bad. But with financial aid, the out of pocket cost is about $1,600- that is a bargain. So first, I would go to the academic advisor, tell them the whole situation, and they would probably be able to direct him further.

    I have been kind of thinking about what it would take to form a kind of exJW college fund---- kind of like Richard Dawkins set up a foundation for exClergy/ministers who've " lost their faith" and no longer have a way to make a living. I don't have time, resources or circumstances to do anything like this, but I think that would make a pretty neat charity that would help people (exJWS who gave up college to pioneer, etc) and inform the public about this anti-education insanity. It makes my blood boil!

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run


    A wonderful idea. It is so touching to me how many people on this forum found a way to complete college. Coming from our backgroud, it is an enormous achievement. I did work study jobs as part of my college financial aid. The counselor placed me in law related programs. I had wonderful jobs. Those jobs allowed me to compete with trust fund babies whose parents were friends of governors and senators in being awarded a full merit scholarship for law school. Classmates noted how I was so focused in law school compared to themselves. I never bitched. It was a great adventure. Dig a ditch or play secretary doing data entry all day. Torts and real property strike you as sexy compared to other things. No one here bitches about college.

  • wisdomfrombelow

    I congratulate him on going to college but it appears he didn't think through his decisions as regards his financial dependence on his parents. He decided to quit attending meetings and move out without thinking about how that would affect his parental "scholarship". My dad would have been very upset if I had decided to pay someone "rent" instead of using that money for my tuition or saving it.

    If he had looked at attending meetings, even if going through the motions, as a sort of "work study" that got him the money to go to school then he might have approached everything differently. Many parents don't consider it their obligation to pay for college. His did, and put stipulations on that "scholarship". That is just my opinion on the big picture, being pragmatic.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Wisdom has a good point. I could suck it up at my advanced age b/c I see all the times I put with crap but received a larger reward. He is 18! The culture we live worships young people. Parents practically go to school with students now. My generation, the one that proclaimed trust no one over 30, is pampering their kids. He deserves pampering.

    I recall being a Witness and always wondering why I could not have toys or holidays. The neighborhood kids have them. When I was 18, I had no major life successes yet. It was hard to think of a concrete benefit b/c it was such an unknown. He is freshly out of high school. Parents should suppoprt their children if they can afford to so without major harm. More than $, he needs affirmation, the adolescent version of cooing. Why should his burden be astronomical compared to his friends?

    After venting, maybe he should move back home and comply. Also, when you are young the years seem endless. Later, they fly away.

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