Jesus “Was” but not “IS” Michael!

by free thought 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • shepherd

    "I am a practicing JW who I believe is of the heavenly calling."

    You lost my attention at that point....

  • Ding

    Free Thought's username and presence on this website seem inconsistent with his/her claim to be a practicing, anointed JW.

  • Jeffro
    I am a practicing JW who I believe is of the heavenly calling.

    Based on the tenuous claim of being 'anointed', which even the Watch Tower Society says may be a sign of 'mental imbalance' (The Watchtower, 15 August 2011, page 22), why should anyone here accept what you say, when your 'independent thinking' would not even be accepted by your own religion??

  • snare&racket

    Amen to that hallehooha !

  • free thought
    free thought

    Q1 If Jesus was an angel prior to coming to earth, what became of him? Did he cease to exist?

    A: Christ said “ Receive my spirit” Meaning his personal life-force went back to the father and his corrupted flesh was disposed and replaced by a glorified body ( Flesh and bones , void of blood! ) Christ life force was integrated back with his spiritual linage that being Michael and his creator God.

    There was only one Christ, the word- Logos. When Christ was on earth in his Human form, the personal life-force of Michael no longer existed as a separate entity. Michael's presents only exsisted via his ( spiritual ) DNA integrated into Christ life-force.

    Similar, when one has a new born it has a unique personality made up from inherited DNA That DNA would not be regarded as an incarnation of another life-force but a contributory, having traits which can influence.

    Christ had a separate life-force his previous existence as Michael was not an incarnation of a life force but a transfer of inherited traits of which contained all Gods attributes.

    NB The Voice of an arch-angel does not mean that Christ was Michael !! ,but can demonstrate an inherited trait.

    Likewise, the trumpet of God does not mean it was God.

  • Ding

    Free Thought,

    You seem to hold a lot of views that contradict WT teachings.

    What is your opinion of the organization?


    Lets go to the tape. What does the Word of God say?

    Heb 13; 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and forever.

    So, if you believe the bible, I guess it's different then the WTS Jesus, eh?


  • designs

    Heb.13 so God was a nebulus being prior to coming to earth and now he is a 5'6" Jewish man flying around heaven and he hasn't changed...ok


    Designs, don't confuse me please, I was making a point.....what was the question again?

  • designs

    lol, I know, just hav'n fun.

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