i spoke with an elder about university

by MsGrowingGirl20 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • NVR2L8

    At the last MS/Elder meeting with the CO I attended it was made clear that elders encouraging ones to pursue superior education would no longer be able to speak to the congregation with freeness of speech and would need to be removed. If the son or daughter of an elder decided to go to college or university, his qualifications would be reviewed. So it is obvious that the elder you confided in cannot openly support your decision without risking his leadership position. Now be very careful about what you tell your "brothers" and "sisters" because anything compromising you confide in them will trigger their conscience to expose you to the elders for that sake of "helping" you remain in the "truth". Since I stopped attending meetings almost 2 years ago, I have kept the few conversations with JWs to small talk and I have only shared my concerns about the "truth" with my still active wife and son...and they understand how my life and theirs would be affected if they revealed what I told them to the elders...so for now they are playing it safe for their sake and mine.

  • snare&racket

    Like i said in the last post, you learn to trust your own thinking ability as you know your on motives. You can go back and read the chapter in Matt about the FDS and realise its just a parable, and yes thats just your opinion, but thats good enough for you !

    Man I love education.

  • Sapphy

    I only know one JW who agrees with the societys ban of decent education. He's a 60+ elduh who has a huge inferiority complex towards any educated person. Every other JW I talk to makes excuses along the lines of either; the society doesnt really mean it, it's the personal opinion of the latest CO (funny how they all have the same opinion); what the society really means is 'don't leave home and live at university' or my personal favourite, 'the society is much more balanced than the brothers giving the talks are since they are always asking for Drs, lawyers and engineers to go to bethel...'

    No witness I know apart from the above elduh actually agrees with the ban

  • stuckinamovement

    The last KM school had a talk on how elders are not to encourage or even condone higher ed. If you are an elder who has children going to college your qualifications to serve are automatically reviewed by the BOE.

    This is why he was hesitant to speak freely.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Don't ask for advice from cult members.

    Don't take for advice from cult members.

    Don't keep promises you made to cult members.

    They are psychologically damaged. They don't live in the real world. They have nothing to offer you that isn't tainted by their Watchtower.

    Resign from pioneering saying you have financial problems, then go and get your education and a life.

    Welcome to the forum


  • its_me!

    College is a wonderful experience, it can be challenging, but it is so rewarding. I think that the WBTS doesn't like for its members to participate in further education because it teaches you critical thinking, and makes you a more well-rounded person. I am so happy that you have been accepted! Congratulations! It is very hard and confusing to learn the truth about "the truth", but in the end, it is soooooo good for you. Glad to have you here, and I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts!

  • ldrnomo

    .this is crazy!!!! there is no bible principle! nothing! so what, i cant serve Jehovah while in university?

    The principle that is used to discourage higher education is based on the scriptue that says the world is passing away and so is it's desires.

    So the bORG's questions is why would you want to spend large amounts of time getting an education of higher learning when you could be pursuing spiritual things like pioneering.

    This spin is based on the fact that the bORG teaches that this world does not have long before it destroyed by God so why waste your time.

    The real reason is that you will learn critical thinking and will eventually start asking questions they can't really answer.

  • ziddina

    MsGrowingGirl20, congratulations on qualifying for college!!

    Don't EVER let ANY person keep you from obtaining an education that will give you a more solid future!!

    But, just to give you an idea of the sorts of reactions you might run into, from other people [Jehovah's Witnesses...], you might want to use the "search" function on the subjects of "college" and "higher education"...


  • 00DAD

    He just wants you to speak to the PO and the CO because he doesn't have the strength of his convictions to tell you the official party line, which begs the question: Why exactly is he an elder?

    This was one of the main issues that got me to leave the org.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    00DAD spot on

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