Any way to contact BonaFide?

by A question 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • A question
    A question

    I've been reading the experiences of the poster here called BonaFide, and based on his many and unique positions in the WT organization (elder, MTS grad, missionary, CO in a poor country) I've been wanting to ask him some things.

    I quick checked his profile and he hasn't posted in 2 years. Do you know any way I might be able to contact him? Would he respond to a PM?

  • Phizzy


    Having looked back at his old threads, it worries me a bit, was he got at by the WT ? He claimed to have a way to bring down the WT.

    Was he nobbled ?

  • Iamallcool

    maybe he is dead by natural causes.

  • slimboyfat

    That was a rather strange JWD episode that I never understood frankly. But then a lot that happens here seems to pass me by.

  • yknot


    Like many he had an emotional moment play out via a thread.

    Last we talked he decided to take the education route to empower and better his life.

    It was for his own good that he thew himself into these endeavors fully and stopped posting.

    I miss him, swear one day I might go hunt him down but until then I believe he is enjoying life, taking full advantage of his freedom.

    It would be safe to assume he still has some ties to the Org as he loves his family deeply.

    Huggles to Bonafide wherever he sleeps tonight.....


  • slimboyfat
    Like many he had an emotional moment play out via a thread.

    Is that thread still visible? I must have missed it. All I remember is him saying he would take down the Watchtower within twelve months and riding off into the sunset.

  • cantleave

    Wasn't he the guy who was going to bring the Watch Tower down in 6 months? I reckon he evolved in JTB!!

  • cedars

    That's one of the things I love about this forum - the revolving door. People come and people go. Some stick around and help and/or harrass the newbies. I applaud those who have extracted something valuable from interracting on here and then moved on with their lives. I suspect I will reach that stage one day, but not yet.



    Try the Bat Signal..


  • slimboyfat
    That's one of the things I love about this forum - the revolving door. People come and people go. Some stick around and help and/or harrass the newbies.

    And some like myself stick around for ages for no apparent reason and help nobody.

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