Bizarre statement in April 2012 Awake

by dozy 62 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • dozy

    “As books go, it is tiny, but it is immeasurably great in its essence. It can be carried in one’s pocket,but if it were found in a library of 90,000 different books, it would probably turn out to be the most important one of them all.”

    Wow – a strong endorsement of the bible? Er – no – this is the WTBTS we are talking about here. So the statement from the April 2012 Awake is in support of that wonderful WTBTS publication “Mankind’s Search for God.” I vaguely remember that book from studying it in the now defunct home book study many years ago & had assumed it had long since gone out of print

    90,000 seemed to me to be a lot of books. So yesterday I popped into my local town library – sad to say , an increasingly rare visit due to the fact that they rarely have any new books & pursue and charge for any overdue publications with a vigour that wouldn’t disgrace the local traffic warden. I picked out a couple of books for a bit of weekend reading and a few Catherine Cooksons and Danielle Steels for my dear lady.

    “How many books do you have here” , I asked the librarian. She stroked her chin for a few moments , clearly not used to this kind of question. A quick reference to her computer gave the answer required. “ About 9,500” , she indicated. “Plus those out on the mobile library. And cds and dvds. And we have some blu-rays in now as well. Why do you ask?” she asked , looking at me somewhat suspiciously. “Er – just wondering”, I replied , and rapidly made my exit.

    So a most important book in a library 9 times the size of mine. That seemed to be quite an achievement. And "immeasurably great in its essence" was high praise indeed.

    I read again the statement from the Awake. Who was quoted as making this dramatic assertion? A university professor , perhaps. Or famous academic? No – “a well-known Mexican writer” is being quoted. Exactly how well known is a matter of mystery , as he isn’t named. Whether knowledge of him has circled the globe , or he is quite popular in his local village isn’t stated. I regard myself as fairly well read , but I couldn’t recall any the names of any Mexican writers myself. In fact , as a Brit I struggled to remember any well known Mexicans at all , of any profession apart from the golfer Lee Trevino . ( Then I recalled the footballer Hugo Sanchez - I was an admirer of his ability and quickly searched Youtube for a famous overhead kick that he performed for Real Madrid. At school , the team I played for used to copy his flip style celebration on the rare occasions that we scored a goal, which we called “doing a Hugo”. Lacking the necessary dexterity and athleticism of Sanchez (and more modern exponents ,such as Nani and Lua Lua) , it essentially was an attempted handstand , followed by an embarrassing fall into a muddy pitch. Any , I digress. )

    Last time I looked when a congregation secretary , many years ago , our literature cupboard was groaning with 50 Search books ordered by an over enthusiastic literature servant before a previous campaign and long since gathering dust. My suggestion to “try to shift these before the CO gets here” was met with a somewhat helpless shrug. Perhaps asking the COBOE to take them with him on his annual holiday to Acapulco might now seem a useful move , bearing in mind the apparent reverence that the book has south of the Rio Grande.

    Was the writer a JW? Though not mentioned ,surely he couldn’t be , as that would hardly be regarded as an independent source. And anyway – were any JWs well-known writers? Presumably though Mexican , the writer isn’t a Catholic , as he doubtless would be offended by some of the criticism of his religion in the book. Possibly he might be a Muslim , as wary of the Salmon Rushdie episode , the WTBTS has long since stopped any criticism of Islam.

    It did make we wonder what was the point of the endorsement. Firstly as an (allegedly) Christian organisation , the WTBTS should by definition be giving credit to the bible rather than their own publications. Secondly , of what value is a testimony from an unnamed writer , whether of Mexican origin or from any other country? Is it of any more value than the anonymous “bible scholars” or “bible encyclopaedias” often quoted in the magazines? If I blandly stated that “ a famous Mexican model ” regarded Dozy as the best looking poster on JWN would that be regarded as some sort of confirmatory proof , and make me more likely to attract female admirers? (PM me if convinced)

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Hmmmm. . . I could swear that the MSG book was never studied at Bookstudy. It was released, I read it myself and liked it at the time, and eagerly awaited the Bookstudy. Never happened, as far as I can recall. Just the revelation book over and over.

  • elderelite

    Wow.... Astounding. Wasnt Moses kept out of the promise land for something simlar...?

    And didnt we just read go over in the congregation bible study how herrod agrippa was killed by their god because he didnt correct the crowd when they cried "a god voice and not a mans"? Here this "well known mexican writer ascribes value that belongs to god word to thier book, they dont correct it and have the nerve to publish it???? Is that less than what herod did that they take such joy in talking about...?


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hmm.... are they really touting a 20-year old book? Are they so incapable of writing anything new of spiritual interest they have to recycle it? Or maybe they just discovered large numbers of the book languishing somewhere in a corner of their storehouse....

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    In the 2012 April Awake, what page is this on?

    Never mind, found it, last page.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    could u imagine selling that at the door: "A well know Mexican writer is quoted here......"

  • james_woods
    could u imagine selling that at the door: "A well know Mexican writer is quoted here......"

    I think I met him on a sidewalk in Mexico City - he asked me if I wanted to buy some "feelthy postcards"...

  • tornapart

    Hahah! Love your humour Dozy (Typical Brit) LOL

    "Perhaps asking the COBOE to take them with him on his annual holiday to Acapulco might now seem a useful move , bearing in mind the apparent reverence that the book has south of the Rio Grande."...... This made me laugh out loud..

  • InterestedOne

    I would think they'd want to get rid of that book. I tried to read it and got stuck where it says:

    The oldest portion of the Bible predates all of the world's other religious writings. - chapter 1, paragraph 27.

    I don't think that's even true, and the book is supposed to be about the religious history of mankind. Here is a thread about it from a while back.

  • BluesBrother
    "It would probably turn out to be the most important one of them all"

    Just like drinking the beer that is "Probably the best lager in the World".....Avertising hyperbole !

    NB Would not a library of 90k books contain at least one Bible (probably) so are they elevating it above that book?

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