by Bubblegum Apotheosis 56 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    any attack on the GB will signal to them it's the end. Attack on God's people. They will seem very pathetic a few years after the fact

  • nugget

    This would be a totally inappropriate illustration. Children are victims in these cases and greatly damaged by the experience. Did the scenario suggest that the child had lied? Or that someone else committed the crime? Stupid talk that diminishes real suffering by real people.

  • man oh man
    man oh man

    Recently heard this talk and such an illustration was not used by bethel speaker. If I heard this I would have knocked this brother on his a double s.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I have recieved information to correct a comment I made earlier about manuscripts. I had said that nothing gets said from the platform that isn't scripted.

    The information I got is from someone very credible and certainly more knowledgable about this than I am. So here is the real scoop.

    (Ten years ago at least) only "KEY" talks (convention releases, etc -- these would be later WT articles) were full manuscripts, although it seems that today there are more manuscripts in the current barrage of talks being delivered.
    While it's true that the Chairman's Office appointed "responsible men" to follow an actual copy of the outline or manuscript (and supposedly take over the talk if the speaker got ill or collapsed), NO ONE would question what was said by a CO/DO/ or Bethel appointed speaker. Typically, the DO is the Convention Chairman at the convention where he is assigned, and he has complete authority of what is said from the stage.

    Remember Chas. Sunutko's "Stay Alive 'Til '75!" district convention talk? I assure you that was not in the outline or manuscript, as it was not said at any other DC. Any popular and charismatic CO or DO would go unchallenged for any such "off the cuff" remark that energized the R&F in the audience. These men (both delivering and monitoring the talks) are all "die hard" believers. They have no problem with ramping up the message as they believe it is TRUE -- spirit directed. The advantage is that this is heard by 10,000s, and repeated to many more 10,000s, and seen as "gospel" since it was said at the DC, even though it NEVER makes the pages of the WT publications. All the easier to deny and blame it on THE SPEAKER at a later date. The recording of Sunutko's talk is probably a bit of an embarrassment these days, since he was so high profile of a witness, but again, you won't find that stuff in WT print.

    So was the speaker using his own really inappropriate example? Or was it in the manuscript or outline. Outlines would allow for a lot of latitude in providing examples to use. Either way it indicates that the WTS is not goign to become a mainstream loving religion. It will just crack the whip more often.

    Thanks to the person who shared this info with me and granted permission to use it.

  • 2tone

    WALDO who in there own right mind who take anything serious that a jehovahs witness with the last name called WALDO. WALDO maybe the watchtower should give him a pen name

  • ziddina
    "This crazy talk about concern about Jehovah's name and comparing Him as a man accused of child molesting is so bazaar and 'out there.' The GB compare their position often as equivalent to Jehovah and the kind of obedience without question by JWs. So, this sounds like crazy talk to the members to remain loyal faithful to the GB no matter the accusation. ...." Gayle...

    Gayle put it very well...

    It almost sounds as if there's some dirt on a Gov.Bod member - pedophilia, which was suspected in the case of at least one previous Gov.Bod member - and I can't remember his name right now, but he was "removed" from Bethel service due to his questionable behavior - I think back in the 1970's...

    Too typical to compare "jehovah" to some "poor, innocent" JW man [elder???] who was "falsely" accused of pedophilia...

    Besides, who says that "jehovah" is all that innocent??? Telling the Israelites to murder all the women, children, and even the ANIMALS in some of the cities that they conquered - yeah, that's the behavior of a "god" who really cares...

  • tornapart

    I recently read somewhere (I'm almost sure it was on here). It was to do with the case in Australia. That the GB's defence are saying the 'faithful and discreet slave' isn't real so it can't be accused. When I read it I thought... 'WHAT'!! Now I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone else remember it?

    As for that illustration.. it's sick.

  • james_woods

    Just as a side point - who outside of the JWs (of all the people and organizations in the whole world) is actually trying to accuse their "Jehovah" of anything or bring down his name?

    Nobody cares. They view the witnesses "Jehovah" as simply a religious oddity - not as something to attack.

    This is all Watchtower self-delusion.

    And the comparisons to child molesters is more bad light on "Jehovah's Name" than anything the world has said about Jehovah in the last fifty years.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    Should I record Brother Waldo's public talk on Sunday? Is it illegal to record the public talk? Maybe he has seen the "new light" from JWN?

    I hope this site has made a difference by changing his illustration? Thoughts before I record his talk.

    Lady Lee, do you think someone like Brother Waldo (he is a die hard, it's his life.) would change his illustration, or will I have to listen to this trashy

    opening again? Are there ways to post this non sense onto the internet, is it legal?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    What time was the talk given?

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