Atheism 2.0

by Qcmbr 384 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • xchange

    myelaine said: of course...and atheists seem to believe that the idea of God as well as the theists you deal with are your enemy and that the whole "God thing" ought to be put to rest, permanently...let me just say that your biggest enemy isn't in the "free world". the day of vengeance that God talks about in the bible is not vengeance against those who listen to God through His word or are His children through His Son. No, the day of vengeance is against those who would hurt these. Interesting that you resort to projecting your belief that atheists view theists as enemies. I guess that comes from Christianity teaching ‘them’ (goats) versus ‘us’ (sheep). I’m friends with a lot of Christians. So far we haven’t had open warfare as I don’t see them as an enemy, nor they. Am I doing something wrong?

    As for the rest of your post, please re-read my comment. You know, those key words: vapid, cataclysmic, portending, threats. In other words, empty words with no substance and pure speculation based on an ancient tome and dubious representation.

    If you have a hard time understanding just how it can be that no one could believe the Bible, I submit my favourite verse from the Bhagavad Bita 9.1:

    sri-bhagavan uvaca

    idam tu te guhyatamam

    pravaksyamy anasuyave

    jnanam vijnana-sahitam

    yaj jnatva moksyase ’subhat

    "The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Arjuna, because you are never envious of Me, I shall impart to you this most confidential knowledge and realization, knowing which you shall be relieved of the miseries of material existence."

    Warmest regards,


  • thetrueone

    I am being honest are you ? Asking about a spirit contacting you and telling you things that other people may have not heard,

    perhaps from a different spirit.

    The question therefore is upon honesty, more over intellectual honesty !

    I'm sure I can supply scriptural references.

    I asked you before if you just read the words from a man or group of men and you said you did not.

    So what is your most truthful answer ?

  • thetrueone

    I guess that comes from Christianity teaching ‘them’ (goats) versus ‘us’ (sheep).

    True Xchange Theists are so hateful and prejudice in their relationship with their spirit connections

  • N.drew

    I asked you before if you just read the words from a man or group of men and you said you did not. So what is your most truthful answer ?

    Oh brother. When the Bible is read correctly it makes a picture to see. When the mind thinks of something a part of the picture agrees.

    The words "God is greater than time therefore God's spirit can dwell in the present, past and future at the same time" is not something I read. But it is a conclusion drawn from all that I have read and experience. Knowing plus experience = understanding.

  • N.drew

    far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. Ehesians 1:21

    Time is a power and authority. Can you beat time?

  • thetrueone

    Oh so you didn't get in contact with a spirit and get information from that spirit.

    So will you now honestly retract your previous claim that a spirit contacted you and told you things ?

    You read this bit of information all along in a book written by bronze age tribesmen who live 3000 years ago.

    I've got to hand it to you N drew your quite the artful dodger.

    Knowing plus ignorance = experience in ignorance

  • N.drew

    I can't play sarcasm with sarcasm? Why not?

    post 4709. Dmn they're all 4709. I mean 4702 4700. Be nice! Did you miss that one?

    The spirit of understanding.

  • N.drew

    Thinking for someone else is only fun for a little while.

  • myelaine

    dear xchange...

    you said: "Interesting that you resort to projecting your belief that atheists view theists as enemies. I guess that comes from Christianity teaching ‘them’ (goats) versus ‘us’ (sheep). "...

    I'm not projecting...there ARE atheists who would like to see "God talk" silenced or killed as if we who speak it were their enemies. Christians are told we should pray for those who make themselves our enemies in this way. it is the GB of JW's who have made it accepted practice to have their adherents seperate the sheep from the goats (in the absence of divine authority) dependant on acceptance of their particular interpretation.

    you said: "As for the rest of your post, please re-read my comment. You know, those key words: vapid, cataclysmic, portending, threats. In other words, empty words with no substance and pure speculation based on an ancient tome and dubious representation."...

    you can go back and take a look at my first post on this thread to get a better idea of where I'm coming from if you'd like.

    hint: I will continue to use the gospel(my faith) in the bible as a defence...(And if you, O listener, have any doubt in what We have sent down towards you, then question those who have read the Book before you; undoubtedly, towards you has come the truth from your Lord, therefore do not be of those who doubt) surah 10:94

    love michelle

  • N.drew

    I think you did not answer the question. What are the credentials? In other words what do I need to do/get to know something?

    Your too embarrassed to say "penis?" I need to be a man, right? Or only you are correct, so I have to be you. Or I need an ivy league education. Or I need powerful friends that are human. Or what? Please we should know. You insult us but you don't leave us an alternative. For the children of the future, please, tell us! What is needed?

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