Are we stupid or what ? / GOD doesn`t have to destroy 99% of the human race to rid the earth of wickedness to rid the world of wickedness

by smiddy 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • NewChapter

    Writing Santa a letter as we speak...

    You're in good with Santa?? Tell me more! Do you have some literature?


  • MeanMrMustard


    You wrote:

    Free Will: Bait for the trap. Yesssssss, come get your free willl---come---come----little one. It's sitting here, free for the taking. *SNAP*


    Wouldn't you need free will first to be able to freely go for the free-will bait? :)


  • NewChapter

    Wouldn't you need free will first to be able to freely go for the free-will bait? :)

    Indeed! It's an effective tactic if you love to punish too! Like how I used to prop dollies up on my daughter's bed so that she would wake up and be surprised. Then I'd tell her she was free to touch them, if she didn't mind being grounded. Then I'd lay out all those cute little doll clothes and roll in a doll sized stroller. I'd tell her they were hers for the taking, if she didn't mind spending Kindergarten locked in her room. Oh the fun I had. I always assured her the choice was hers, and how very much I loved her. She had a lot of self control, but one day the temptation was too much, and she touched the dolls. Then she said over and over she was sorry. So I told her I believed she was sorry, but the crime had been committed. I couldn't just leave. I would have to kill her friend, and then she would be off the hook. She was so grateful and told me how she didnt' deserve my mercy.

    * Disclaimer: The above story was satire. I'm actually not a psychopathic, unforgiving, brutal parent, and I love my daughter. There is a video along these lines, but I can't remember where it is. NC

  • frigginconfused

    Peoples heart condotions need to be taken into account. Your plan could get rid of war. But what about the selfish jerks we work with. Entitled drivers hogging the road, backstabbing buttkissers, judgemental nontolerants?

  • Glander

    Great analogy, NC.

  • glenster

    First post: sounds like the Universalism interpretation of the afterlife, the
    most popular in the 1st 600 yrs. or so of Christianity: the converted go to
    heaven, God just destroys human institutions, not the people, and the rest are
    converted. (I'd give a Wikipedia link but it's off today protesting SOPA.)

    The alternative would be better regarding global warming, though.

    God's prerogative either way. But if you're worried about mass destruction of
    people due to the planet altered great flood-style without using belief, you
    might take the flood or Armageddon account allegorically about people doing it.
    A variation that includes God has Him say, "Armageddon? I didn't have to lift a
    finger. They're nuts down there. I wish they'd stop blaming me--it's very

  • botchtowersociety
    First post: sounds like the Universalism interpretation of the afterlife, the
    most popular in the 1st 600 yrs. or so of Christianity: the converted go to
    heaven, God just destroys human institutions, not the people, and the rest are
    converted. (I'd give a Wikipedia link but it's off today protesting SOPA.)

    In my view, heaven/hell are choices we make for ourselves. God made us with free will. He is far above a petty forcing of our decisions. At most, God might invite and persuade us into brotherhood with him. He does not coerce. He has no need. To be in a relationship of love by force isn't love at all. Love must be freely chosen. God doesn't want slaves. He wants brothers and sisters to share with.

    As for "armageddon" if/when it comes, it will be by our own hand and our own good/evil decisions. The same is true for "paradise."

    All the above is IMHO.

  • leavingwt

    The Calvinist position is that God creates many humans, just so that they may live for a few years, and then die, and he can burn them in Hell for all eternity. By comparison, Jehovah of the WT is a kind-hearted Saint. At least he's only going to kill you once.

  • Larsinger58

    WTWizard. I hear you. Lots of people blame God for Satan and the negativity. That's a fair shot. But the big picture is that the righteous will have eternal life. That is what it boils down to. Even the Illuminati and the Rothchild's with all their money can't extend their lives to the point of avoiding death or sickness. So the trade-off for eternal life, peace and happiness with a lot of wonderful people in the world, is this short period of suffering and imperfection and negativity. The choice was to have this negativity for a short while or have nothing. The labor pains are soon forgotten when the infant arrives.

    God chose to do it this way. I trust it is the best choice to save as many of mankind as possible. The pain and suffering is worth the final result. Plus if it makes you feel better, the Rothchilds/Babylon the Great will soon be destroyed by the UN. Some of that vast wealth was made via drug and weapon trafficking, with those offshore banks laundering all that money. In fact, the economy would collapse without the money from drugs alone. So the legal premise to seize the wealth of the Illuminati and shut down the Federal Reserve is already in place. The only way the Illuminati can rule the world is if they respect the laws of ownership and banking, which when you threaten someone with that and want to enslave them, they will just change the laws on you. There is already world disgust with Wall Street and the super rich, so the populace won't care if the Rothchild's are gutted. That's how democracy works--all they have to do is vote to force you to give up all your money. The Rothchild's can only be rich in a system that respects that wealth. Once that is gone, then they are nothing.

    That is what the Bible has prophesied. The UN will turn on the Illuminati and destroy them and take their wealth, wipe out all the world's debt. But to do this, all the nations will have to give up their sovereignty to the UN. Once the nations are finally gathered together and the economy is stabilized again, they will claim, "Peace and Security!" at which point I'll walk up and tell them their 6000 years are up and now it is time for the 1000-year reign of Christ. When they refuse to let me take over, those people wanting self rule will be executed. They will drop dead like the firstborn of Egypt. A government is not a bulding but a concept in the mind of its people. Destroy the people believing in that government and you destroy that government. Armageddon will not be a lot of floods and tsunamis and earthquakes that will destroy the planet. It will be massive executions of the people, leaving the world intact for those chosen to survive Armageddon.

    But in the end, the result will justify the means. There will be peace, happiness and eternal life in a paradise earth with no Satan to mess up things. The pain and suffering is worth it in order to get rid of Satan forever.


  • tec

    The only people who would be destroyed are those intent on doing the destroying. In revelations, fire comes down and devours those who ride out to make war against the people God loves. Now take that symbolically or literally, however you want really... but the point is that those people being devoured are the ones who are riding out to do the destroying. Most everyone of you would protect your family against people coming to kill them, even if the last resort (after attempts to talk, negotiate, warn, threaten, etc) was to destroy them before they could destroy those under your protection.

    Now as for disarming nations... that won't do anything other than bringing war back down to scale. Take away bombs, people use guns. Take away guns, people use steel. Take away steel, people will use rocks and sticks. Its the heart that matters, not the weapons on hand.



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